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6 string references to webform_civicrm.contact_component in Webform CiviCRM Integration 8.5

CivicrmContact::form in src/Plugin/WebformElement/CivicrmContact.php
CivicrmContact::prepare in src/Plugin/WebformElement/CivicrmContact.php
@todo port logic from _webform_render_civicrm_contact()
CivicrmContact::wf_crm_fill_contact_value in src/Plugin/WebformElement/CivicrmContact.php
Lookup contact name from ID, verify permissions, and attach as html data.
WebformAjax::contactAjax in src/WebformAjax.php
Load one or more contacts via ajax
WebformCivicrmBase::findContact in src/WebformCivicrmBase.php
Find an existing contact based on matching criteria Used to populate a webform existing contact field
WebformCivicrmPostProcess::verifyExistingContact in src/WebformCivicrmPostProcess.php
Ensure we have a valid contact id in a contact ref field