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function WebformAjax::contactAjax in Webform CiviCRM Integration 8.5

Load one or more contacts via ajax




Overrides WebformAjaxInterface::contactAjax


src/WebformAjax.php, line 42
Front-end form ajax handler.


Class WebformAjax




function contactAjax($webformId, $fid) {
  $contactComponent = \Drupal::service('webform_civicrm.contact_component');
  if (empty($this
    ->getParameter('str')) && (empty($this
    ->getParameter('load')) || empty($this
    ->getParameter('cid')))) {
    throw new AccessDeniedHttpException('Invalid parameters.');
  $webform = Webform::load($webformId);
  if (!$webform instanceof \Drupal\webform\WebformInterface) {
    throw new AccessDeniedHttpException('Invalid form.');
  $this->node = $webform;
  $this->settings = $webform
  $this->data = $this->settings['data'];
  $element = $webform
  if (!$this
    ->autocompleteAccess($webform, $fid)) {
    throw new AccessDeniedHttpException('Access not allowed');
  $filters = $contactComponent
    ->wf_crm_search_filters($webform, $element);

  // Populate other contact ids for related data
  $this->ent += [
    'contact' => [],
  $query_params = $this->requestStack
  foreach ($query_params as $k => $v) {
    if (substr($k, 0, 3) == 'cid' && $v && is_numeric($v)) {
      $this->ent['contact'][substr($k, 3)]['id'] = (int) $v;

  // Bypass filters when choosing contact on component edit form
  // TODO do something about the undefined function wf_crm_admin_access
  if (!empty($this
    ->getParameter('admin')) && wf_crm_admin_access($this->node)) {
    $filters = [
      'check_permissions' => 1,
      'is_deleted' => 0,
      'contact_type' => $filters['contact_type'],
    $component['extra']['allow_create'] = 0;

  // Autocomplete contact names
  if (!empty($this
    ->getParameter('str'))) {
    if ($str = trim($this
      ->getParameter('str'))) {
      return $contactComponent
        ->wf_crm_contact_search($webform, $element, $filters, $this->ent['contact'], $str);

  // Load contact by id
  $data = [];
  if ($name = $contactComponent
    ->wf_crm_contact_access($element, $filters, $this
    ->getParameter('cid'))) {
    if ($this
      ->getParameter('load') == 'name') {
      if ($this
        ->getParameter('cid')[0] === '-') {

        // HTML hack to get prompt to show up different than search results
        $data = '<em><i>' . Xss::filter($element['#none_prompt']) . '</i></em>';
      else {
        $data = $name;

    // Fetch entire contact to populate form via ajax
    if ($this
      ->getParameter('load') == 'full') {
      $sp = \CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR;
      $utils = \Drupal::service('webform_civicrm.utils');
      $this->enabled = $utils
      list(, $c, ) = explode('_', $element['#form_key'], 3);
      $this->ent['contact'][$c]['id'] = (int) $_GET['cid'];

      // Redact fields if they are to be hidden unconditionally, otherwise they are needed on the client side
      $to_hide = [];
      if (!empty($element['#hide_fields']) && (wf_crm_aval($element, '#hide_method', 'hide') == 'hide' && !wf_crm_aval($element, '#no_hide_blank'))) {
        $to_hide = $element['#hide_fields'];
      $contact = $this
        ->loadContact($c, $to_hide);
      $states = $countries = [];

      // Format as json array
      foreach ($this->enabled as $fid => $f) {
        list(, $i, $ent, $n, $table, $field) = explode('_', $fid, 6);
        if ($i == $c && $ent == 'contact' && isset($contact[$table][$n][$field])) {
          $type = $table == 'contact' && strpos($field, 'name') ? 'name' : $table;

          // Exclude blank and hidden fields
          if ($contact[$table][$n][$field] !== '' && $contact[$table][$n][$field] !== [] && !in_array($type, $to_hide)) {
            $dataType = wf_crm_aval($utils
              ->wf_crm_get_field("{$table}_{$field}"), 'data_type');
            $val = [
              'val' => $contact[$table][$n][$field],

            // Retrieve file info
            if ($dataType === 'File') {
              $val = $this
                ->getFileInfo($field, $val['val'], $ent, $n);
            elseif (is_string($val['val']) && strpos($val['val'], $sp) !== FALSE) {
              $val['val'] = $utils
            $val['fid'] = $fid;
            if ($dataType) {
              $val['data_type'] = $dataType;
            if ($field == 'state_province_id') {
              $states[] = $val;
            elseif ($field == 'country_id') {
              $countries[] = $val;
            else {
              $data[] = $val;
        elseif ($i == 1 && strpos($field, 'billing_address_') !== false && isset($contact['contact'][$n]['contact_id'])) {
          $billingAddress = $this
          if (isset($billingAddress[$field])) {
            $data[] = [
              'val' => $billingAddress[$field],
              'fid' => $fid,
        elseif ($i > $c && $field == 'existing') {
          $related_component = $this
          if (isset($related_component['#default']) && $related_component['#default'] == 'relationship') {
            $old_related_cid = wf_crm_aval($this->ent, "contact:{$i}:id");

            // Don't be fooled by old data
            $related_component['extra']['allow_url_autofill'] = FALSE;
            $related_cid = wf_crm_aval($this->ent, "contact:{$i}:id");
            if ($related_cid && $related_cid != $old_related_cid) {
              $data[] = [
                'fid' => $fid,
                'val' => $related_cid,
                'display' => $contactComponent
                  ->wf_crm_contact_access($related_component, $contactComponent
                  ->wf_crm_search_filters($this->node, $related_component), $related_cid),

      // We want counties, states and countries in that order to avoid race-conditions client-side
      $data = array_merge($data, $states, $countries);
  return $data;