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101 calls to wf_crm_aval() in Webform CiviCRM Integration 7.4

theme_static_contact_element in includes/
Theme the wrapper for a static contact element Includes normal webform theme wrappers plus a tokeninput-style name field
webform_civicrm_update_6204 in ./webform_civicrm.install
Group participant options into a single array.
webform_civicrm_update_6205 in ./webform_civicrm.install
Upgrade for CiviCRM 4.1 compatibility.
webform_civicrm_update_7300 in ./webform_civicrm.install
Note: There are differences in how contact references and relationships work in the 3.x branch. Read the upgrade instructions at
webform_civicrm_update_7301 in ./webform_civicrm.install
Update case features.
webform_civicrm_update_7402 in ./webform_civicrm.install
Upgrade schema to handle multiple activities and cases
webform_civicrm_webform_component_presave in ./webform_civicrm.module
Implements hook_webform_component_presave(). Alter form keys when cloning a contact.
wf_crm_admin_component::alterForm in includes/
Alter back-end webform component edit forms. Called by hook_form_alter() whenever editing a webform component.
wf_crm_admin_component::buildOptionsTable in includes/
Interface similar to options_element module but with the important difference that options already exist in the civi db so this does not allow create/delete of options
wf_crm_admin_component::moneyOptions in includes/
options_element alterations for when a currency field (e.g. contribution amount, event fee) is rendered as a select
wf_crm_admin_component::preprocessComponentsForm in includes/
Add CiviCRM info and theming to webform components form.
wf_crm_admin_component::__construct in includes/
wf_crm_admin_form::addConditionalRule in includes/
Create a conditional rule if the source and target fields both exist. TODO: This is fairly minimal. It doesn't check if the rule already exists, and doesn't work if both fields haven't been created yet.
wf_crm_admin_form::addDynamicCustomSetting in includes/
wf_crm_admin_form::addFieldset in includes/
Create a fieldset around an entity if it doesn't already exist
wf_crm_admin_form::addItem in includes/
Build a field item for the admin form
wf_crm_admin_form::addPageBreak in includes/
Create a page-break before the contribution-page field
wf_crm_admin_form::buildActivityTab in includes/
Activity settings
wf_crm_admin_form::buildCaseTab in includes/
Case settings FIXME: This is exactly the same code as buildGrantTab. More utilities and less boilerplate needed.
wf_crm_admin_form::buildContactTab in includes/
Build fields for a contact
wf_crm_admin_form::buildContributionTab in includes/
Contribution settings
wf_crm_admin_form::buildGrantTab in includes/
Grant settings FIXME: This is nearly the same code as buildCaseTab. More utilities and less boilerplate needed.
wf_crm_admin_form::buildMembershipTab in includes/
Membership settings
wf_crm_admin_form::buildMessageTabs in includes/
Configure messages
wf_crm_admin_form::buildParticipantTab in includes/
Event participant settings
wf_crm_admin_form::filterCaseSets in includes/
Adjust case role fields to match creator/manager settings for a given case type
wf_crm_admin_form::getFieldsToDelete in includes/
Search for fields that should be deleted
wf_crm_admin_form::insertComponent in includes/
Add a CiviCRM field to a webform
wf_crm_admin_form::postProcess in includes/
Submission handler, saves CiviCRM options for a Webform node
wf_crm_admin_form::rebuildData in includes/
Build $this->data array for webform settings; called while rebuilding or post-processing the admin form.
wf_crm_admin_form::rebuildForm in includes/
On rebuilding the form
wf_crm_apivalues in includes/
Get the values from an api call
wf_crm_components_form_validate in includes/
Drupal FAPI validation callback for all-components form
wf_crm_configure_form_ajax in includes/
FAPI AJAX callback
wf_crm_contact_access in includes/
Load contact name if user has permission. Else return FALSE.
wf_crm_contact_clone in ./webform_civicrm.module
Clone a contact via webform. This submit handler is called when cloning a contact's fieldset
wf_crm_contact_label in includes/
wf_crm_contact_search in includes/
Returns a list of contacts based on component settings.
wf_crm_display_name in includes/
Fetch contact display name
wf_crm_enabled_fields in includes/
Get ids or values of enabled CiviCRM fields for a webform.
wf_crm_field_options in includes/
Get options for a specific field
wf_crm_fill_contact_value in includes/
Lookup contact name from ID, verify permissions, and attach as html data.
wf_crm_find_relations in includes/
Get a contact's relations of certain types
wf_crm_get_events in includes/
Get list of events. FIXME use the api for this.
wf_crm_get_fields in includes/
Fetches CiviCRM field data.
wf_crm_get_relationship_types in includes/
Get relationship type data
wf_crm_user_cid in includes/
Lookup a uf ID from contact ID or vice-versa With no arguments passed in, this function will return the contact_id of the current logged-in user
wf_crm_webform_ajax::contactAjax in includes/
Load one or more contacts via ajax
wf_crm_webform_base::findContact in includes/
Find an existing contact based on matching criteria Used to populate a webform existing contact field
wf_crm_webform_base::getComponent in includes/
Fetch a webform component given its civicrm field key
wf_crm_webform_base::getData in includes/
wf_crm_webform_base::getMembershipTypeField in includes/
wf_crm_webform_base::loadContact in includes/
Fetch all relevant data for a given contact Used to load contacts for pre-filling a webform, and also to fill in a contact via ajax
wf_crm_webform_base::saveDrupalFileToCivi in includes/
Copies a drupal file into the Civi file system
wf_crm_webform_base::__get in includes/
Magic method to retrieve otherwise inaccessible properties
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::addOrRemoveMultivaluedData in includes/
Handle adding/removing multivalued data for a contact/activity/etc. Currently used only for groups and tags, but written with expansion in mind.
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::contributionParams in includes/
Format contribution params for transact/pay-later
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::contributionRecur in includes/
Generate recurring contribution and transact the first one
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::createBillingContact in includes/
Create contact 1 if not already existing (required by contribution.transact)
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::createContact in includes/
Create a new contact
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::createDeferredPayment in includes/
Create Pending (Pay Later) Contribution
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::fillContactRefs in includes/
Recursive function to fill ContactRef fields with contact IDs
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::fillDataFromSubmission in includes/
Fill data array with submitted form values
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::fillHiddenContactFields in includes/
Fill values for hidden ID & CS fields
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::findDuplicateContact in includes/
Search for an existing contact using default strict rule
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::formatSubmissionDetails in includes/
Process the submission into the details of the activity.
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::getExistingContactIds in includes/
Fetch contact ids from "existing contact" fields
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::isFieldHiddenByExistingContactSettings in includes/
Test whether a field has been hidden due to existing contact settings
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::isLivePaymentProcessor in includes/
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::isPaymentPage in includes/
Are billing fields exposed to this webform page?
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::loadMultiPageData in includes/
Load entire webform submission during validation, including contact ids and $this->data Used when validation for one page needs access to submitted values from other pages
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::preSave in includes/
Process webform submission when it is about to be saved. Called by the following hook:
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::processActivities in includes/
Save activity data
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::processAttachments in includes/
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::processCases in includes/
Save case data
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::processGrants in includes/
Save grants
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::processMemberships in includes/
Process memberships for a contact Called during webform submission
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::processParticipants in includes/
Process event participation for a contact
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::processRelationship in includes/
Add/update relationship for a pair of contacts
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::reorderLocationValues in includes/
Reorder submitted location values according to existing location values
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::saveContactLocation in includes/
Save location data for a contact
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::saveGroupsAndTags in includes/
Save groups and tags for a contact
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::submitIPNPayment in includes/
Call IPN payment processor to redirect to payment site
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::submitLivePayment in includes/
Execute payment processor transaction This happens during form validation and sets a form error if unsuccessful
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::tallyLineItems in includes/
Calculate line-items for this webform submission
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::updateContact in includes/
Update a contact
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::validate in includes/
Called after a webform is submitted Or, for a multipage form, called after each page
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::validateBillingFields in includes/
Normalize and validate billing input
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::validateParticipants in includes/
Validate event participants and add line items
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::validateThisPage in includes/
Recursive validation callback for webform page submission
wf_crm_webform_preprocess::addResources in includes/
Add necessary js & css to the form
wf_crm_webform_preprocess::alterForm in includes/
Alter front-end of webforms: Called by hook_form_alter() when rendering a civicrm-enabled webform Add custom prefix. Display messages. Block users who should not have access. Set webform default values.
wf_crm_webform_preprocess::fillForm in includes/
Recursively walk through form array and set properties of CiviCRM fields
wf_crm_webform_preprocess::findCaseClientForDefaultContact in includes/
Function to load default contact (cid1) if default loading is set to case_roles
wf_crm_webform_preprocess::findExistingCases in includes/
Find case ids based on url input or "existing case" settings
wf_crm_webform_preprocess::loadParticipants in includes/
Load participant data for a contact
wf_crm_webform_preprocess::loadURLEvents in includes/
Load event data for the url
wf_crm_webform_preprocess::populateEvents in includes/
Check if events are open to registration and take appropriate action
wf_crm_webform_preprocess::__construct in includes/
_webform_edit_civicrm_contact in includes/
Implements _webform_edit_component().
_webform_render_civicrm_contact in includes/
Implements _webform_render_component().