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private function wf_crm_webform_preprocess::populateEvents in Webform CiviCRM Integration 7.4

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.5 includes/ \wf_crm_webform_preprocess::populateEvents()

Check if events are open to registration and take appropriate action

1 call to wf_crm_webform_preprocess::populateEvents()
wf_crm_webform_preprocess::alterForm in includes/
Alter front-end of webforms: Called by hook_form_alter() when rendering a civicrm-enabled webform Add custom prefix. Display messages. Block users who should not have access. Set webform default values.


includes/, line 237




private function populateEvents() {
  $reg = wf_crm_aval($this->data, 'reg_options', array());

  // Fetch events set in back-end
  $this->data += array(
    'participant' => array(),
  foreach ($this->data['participant'] as $e => $par) {
    if (!empty($par['participant'])) {
      foreach ($par['participant'] as $n => $p) {
        if (!empty($p['event_id'])) {

          // Handle multi-valued event selection
          foreach ((array) $p['event_id'] as $eid) {
            if ($eid = (int) $eid) {
              $this->events[$eid]['ended'] = TRUE;
              $this->events[$eid]['title'] = t('this event');
              $this->events[$eid]['count'] = wf_crm_aval($this->events, "{$eid}:count", 0) + 1;
              $status_fid = "civicrm_{$e}_participant_{$n}_participant_status_id";
              $this->events[$eid]['form'][] = array(
                'contact' => $e,
                'num' => $n,
                'eid' => NULL,
                'status_id' => (array) $this
                  ->getData($status_fid, array_keys($this

  // Add events exposed to the form
  foreach ($this->enabled as $field => $fid) {
    if (strpos($field, 'participant_event_id')) {
      foreach ($this
        ->getExposedOptions($field) as $p => $label) {
        list($eid) = explode('-', $p);
        $this->events[$eid]['ended'] = TRUE;
        $this->events[$eid]['title'] = $label;
        list(, $e, , $n) = explode('_', $field);
        $status_fid = "civicrm_{$e}_participant_{$n}_participant_status_id";
        $this->events[$eid]['form'][] = array(
          'contact' => $e,
          'num' => $n,
          'eid' => $p,
          'status_id' => (array) $this
            ->getData($status_fid, array_keys($this
  if ($this->events && (!empty($reg['show_remaining']) || !empty($reg['block_form']))) {
    foreach ($this->events as $eid => $event) {
      if ($event['ended']) {
        if (!empty($reg['show_remaining'])) {
            ->setMessage(t('Sorry, %event has ended.', array(
            '%event' => $event['title'],
          )), 'warning');
      elseif ($event['full']) {
        if (!empty($reg['show_remaining'])) {
            ->setMessage('<em>' . check_plain($event['title']) . '</em>: ' . check_plain($event['full_message']), 'warning');
      else {
        $reg['block_form'] = FALSE;
        if ($event['max_participants'] && ($reg['show_remaining'] == 'always' || intval($reg['show_remaining']) >= $event['remaining'])) {
            ->setMessage(format_plural($event['remaining'], '%event has 1 remaining space.', '%event has @count remaining spaces.', array(
            '%event' => $event['title'],
    if ($reg['block_form']) {
      $this->form['submitted']['#access'] = $this->form['actions']['#access'] = FALSE;