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class wf_crm_admin_component in Webform CiviCRM Integration 7.4

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  1. 7.5 includes/ \wf_crm_admin_component


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class wf_crm_admin_component {
  private $form;
  private $form_state;
  private $node;
  private $data;
  private $component;
  private $field;
  private $hasOptionsTable;
  function __construct(&$form, &$form_state) {
    $this->form =& $form;
    $this->form_state =& $form_state;
    $this->node = node_load($form['nid']['#value']);
    $this->data = wf_crm_aval($this->node, 'webform_civicrm:data');
    $this->component = wf_crm_aval($this->node, 'webform:components:' . $this->form['cid']['#value']);

   * Alter back-end webform component edit forms.
   * Called by hook_form_alter() whenever editing a webform component.
  public function alterForm() {
    $fid = $this->form['form_key']['#default_value'];
    $pieces = wf_crm_explode_key($fid);

    // Is this a crm component of a CiviCRM-enabled webform?
    if (!$this->data || !$pieces) {
    list(, $i, $ent, $n, $table, $name) = $pieces;
    $this->field = wf_crm_aval(wf_crm_get_fields(), $table . '_' . $name);

    // Is this a crm custom group fieldset?
    if (isCustomGroupFieldset($fid)) {
      $this->form['form_key']['#disabled'] = TRUE;
      $this->form['form_key']['#value'] = $fid;

    // Is this a crm field or fieldset?
    if (!$this->field && $table != 'fieldset') {
    $this->form['#attached']['css'][] = drupal_get_path('module', 'webform_civicrm') . '/css/webform_civicrm_admin.css';
    if (empty($this->form['clone']['#value']) || $name == 'fieldset') {

      // Prevent users from editing the form_key and breaking things
      $this->form['form_key']['#disabled'] = TRUE;
      $this->form['form_key']['#value'] = $fid;
      $this->form['form_key']['#description'] = NULL;
      $this->form['form_key']['#attributes']['title'] = t('Automatically set for use by CiviCRM processing.');

      // Clone an entire contact when cloning their fieldset
      if (!empty($this->form['clone']['#value'])) {
        $this->form['actions']['submit']['#value'] = t('Clone Contact');
        $new = count($this->data['contact']) + 1;
        $this->form['form_key']['#value'] = implode('_', array(
        $this->form['name']['#default_value'] = wf_crm_contact_label($new, array(), 'plain');
        array_unshift($this->form['#submit'], 'wf_crm_contact_clone');
        if (empty($this->form_state['input'])) {
          $types = wf_crm_get_contact_types();
          $type = $types[0][$this->data['contact'][$i]['contact'][1]['contact_type']];
          drupal_set_message(t('Press the "Clone Contact" button below and a new @type will be added to the form with all the settings for !contact. All fields within this fieldset will be cloned (be careful, that may include non-contact fields).', array(
            '@type' => $type,
            '!contact' => wf_crm_contact_label($i, $this->data),
          )), 'status', FALSE);
    elseif (empty($this->form_state['input'])) {

      // Clone a single CiviCRM field
      drupal_set_message(t('You are cloning a CiviCRM component. Refer to the Webform CiviCRM instructions for how to set the key if you want the new field to be processed by CiviCRM. You can also clone an entire contact by clicking the clone button by their fieldset.'), 'status', FALSE);

    // Show dropdown list of states
    if ($table === 'address' && $name === 'state_province_id') {
      $this->form['validation']['maxlength']['#type'] = 'hidden';
      $this->form['validation']['maxlength']['#value'] = 5;
      $this->form['value']['#type'] = 'select';
      unset($this->form['value']['#size'], $this->form['value']['#maxlength'], $this->form['value']['#description']);
      $this->form['value']['#options'] = wf_crm_get_states();
      $this->form['value']['#empty_value'] = '';
    elseif ($name == 'contribution_page_id') {
      $this->form['value']['#access'] = FALSE;
      $this->form['#prefix'] = '<p>' . t('This is a placeholder for a Contribution Page.') . '</p>';
    elseif ($this->component['type'] === 'hidden' || $this->component['type'] === 'select') {
      $this->hasOptionsTable = $this

    // Customize options_element a bit
    if (!$this->hasOptionsTable && $this->component['type'] === 'select') {

    // Money fields
    if (!$this->hasOptionsTable && wf_crm_aval($this->field, 'data_type') == 'Money') {
    elseif ($this->component['type'] === 'autocomplete') {
      $this->form['options']['#access'] = FALSE;
    elseif (($name === 'contact_id' || $name === 'external_identifier') && $this->component['type'] === 'hidden') {
      $this->form['value']['#value'] = '';
      $this->form['value']['#access'] = FALSE;
      $this->form['#prefix'] = '<p>' . t('There are no configuration options for this hidden field. You can use it for post processing, for example to include a link to the CiviCRM contact in an email.') . '</p><p>' . t('The webform token for this field is:') . '<br /><strong>' . $this
        ->componentToken($this->form['cid']['#value']) . '</strong><br /><em>' . t('Note: this token will change if you move the field in or out of a fieldset.') . '</em></p>';
    elseif ($name == 'cs') {
      $this->form['value']['#title'] = t('Checksum Lifespan');
      $this->form['value']['#required'] = TRUE;
      $this->form['value']['#type'] = 'textfield';
      $this->form['value']['#description'] = t('Enter the number of days for which this checksum will be valid. Enter 0 to never expire.');
      $this->form['#validate'][] = 'wf_crm_cs_validate';
      $enabled = wf_crm_enabled_fields($this->node);
      $this->form['#prefix'] = '<p>' . t('This field will generate a checksum for !contact after the form is submitted. You could use its webform token to create a personalized link for anonymous users.', array(
        '!contact' => wf_crm_contact_label($i, $this->data),
      )) . '</p><p>';
      if ($cid_field = wf_crm_aval($enabled, 'civicrm_' . $i . '_contact_1_contact_contact_id')) {
        $this->form['#prefix'] .= t('Example: to link users back to this form, place this line in a webform-generated email:') . '<br /><code>' . url('node/' . $this->node->nid, array(
          'absolute' => TRUE,
        )) . '?cid' . $i . '=';
        $this->form['#prefix'] .= $this
          ->componentToken($cid_field) . '&amp;cs' . $i . '=' . $this
          ->componentToken($this->form['cid']['#value']) . '</code></p>';
        $this->form['#prefix'] .= '<p>' . t('Example: to redirect to a contribution page, paste this into the redirect field on the Webform "Form Settings" tab (change id from 1 to the real id of your contribution page):') . '<br /><code>' . 'civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&amp;id=1' . '&amp;cid=' . $this
          ->componentToken($cid_field) . '&amp;cs=' . $this
          ->componentToken($this->form['cid']['#value']) . '</code></p>';
      else {
        $this->form['#prefix'] .= t('Consider enabling the hidden contact_id field - hashed links usually require this value.') . '</p>';

    // Alter weights for contact component
    if ($this->form['type']['#value'] == 'civicrm_contact') {
      $this->form['display']['#weight'] = -1;
    elseif ($this->field && !in_array($this->field['type'], array(
    )) && empty($_GET['type'])) {
      $unusable_widgets = array(
      $widgets = array_diff_key(webform_component_options(), array_flip($unusable_widgets));
      if ($this->form['type']['#value'] == 'textfield' && $table === 'address') {
        if ($name === 'state_province_id' || $name === 'county_id') {
          $widgets['textfield'] = t('Textfield / AJAX Select');
      $this->form['widget'] = array(
        '#type' => 'fieldset',
        '#title' => t('Widget: %type', array(
          '%type' => wf_crm_aval($widgets, $this->form['type']['#value'], t('Unknown')),
        '#description' => t('The default widget for this %type field is %widget. You may change it if you wish - for example, a hidden field allows you to set the value without exposing this field to the form.<br />Note: Not all widgets may be compatible with this CiviCRM field - test your form after changing widgets.', array(
          '%type' => str_replace('#', '', $this->field['name']),
          '%widget' => wf_crm_aval($widgets, $this->field['type'], t('Disabled')),
        '#collapsible' => TRUE,
        '#collapsed' => TRUE,
      $this->form['widget']['type'] = array(
        '#type' => 'select',
        '#options' => $widgets,
        '#default_value' => $this->form['type']['#value'],
      $this->form['widget']['change_widget'] = array(
        '#type' => 'submit',
        '#value' => t('Change Widget'),
        '#submit' => array(
        '#states' => array(
          'invisible' => array(
            'select[name="widget[type]"]' => array(
              'value' => $this->form['type']['#value'],
          'disabled' => array(
            'select[name="widget[type]"]' => array(
              'value' => $this->form['type']['#value'],

   * Ensure page breaks are not placed after contribution page
  public function adjustPageBreak() {
    $components = $this->node->webform['components'];
    foreach ($components as $cid => $component) {
      if ($component['form_key'] == 'civicrm_1_contribution_1_contribution_contribution_page_id') {

        // Iterate up through parents
        while ($component['pid']) {
          $component = $components[$component['pid']];
        $min = $component['weight'];
    if (isset($min)) {
      $weight = $this->form['position']['weight']['#default_value'];
      $this->form['position']['weight'] = array(
        '#type' => 'value',
      if ($weight >= $min) {
        $weight = $min - 1;
      $this->form['position']['weight']['#value'] = $weight;

   * Interface similar to options_element module
   * but with the important difference that options already exist in the civi db
   * so this does not allow create/delete of options
   * @return bool
  private function buildOptionsTable() {
    $options = $sort = wf_crm_field_options($this->component, 'component_edit', $this->data);
    if (!$options) {
      return FALSE;
    $this->form['#attached']['js'] = array(
      drupal_get_path('module', 'webform_civicrm') . '/js/webform_civicrm_options.js',
    $defaults_selected = array();
    if (isset($this->component['value']) && strlen($this->component['value'])) {
      foreach (explode(',', trim($this->component['value'])) as $v) {
        $defaults_selected[] = '_web_civi_option_selected_' . $v;

    // Get rid of stuff related to options_element module
    $this->form['value']['#type'] = 'hidden';
    $this->form['civicrm_options_fieldset'] = array(
      '#type' => 'fieldset',
      '#title' => t('Options'),
      '#id' => 'wf-crm-options-fieldset',
      '#theme' => 'webform_civicrm_options_table',
    $option_keys = array();
    foreach ($options as $k => $v) {
      $option_keys['_web_civi_option_selected_' . $k] = '';
      $this->form['civicrm_options_fieldset']['civicrm_option_name_' . $k] = array(
        '#markup' => '<span class="civicrm-option-name">' . $v . '</span>',
    if ($this->component['type'] === 'select') {
      $this->form['civicrm_options_fieldset']['civicrm_live_options'] = array(
        '#type' => 'radios',
        '#options' => array(
          t('<strong>Static Options</strong> (fully configurable)'),
          t('<strong>Live Options</strong> (update automatically)'),
        '#default_value' => (int) (!empty($this->component['extra']['civicrm_live_options'])),
        '#parents' => array(
      $this->form['civicrm_options_fieldset']['intro'] = array(
        '#markup' => '<p><div class="live-options-hide">' . t('Drag the arrows to re-order these options. Click the "enabled" checkbox to show/remove an item from the form. Set the label as you want it to appear on the form.') . '</div><div class="live-options-show">' . t('You cannot control the presentation of live options. They will be loaded from the CiviCRM database every time the form is displayed.') . '</div><div>' . t('Check the "default" box for an option to be selected by default when a user views the form.') . '</div></p>',

      // Special instructions for contact reference fields
      if (wf_crm_aval($this->field, 'data_type') == 'ContactReference') {
        $this->form['civicrm_options_fieldset']['intro'] = array(
          '#markup' => '<p>' . t('This is a contact reference field. It points to another contact on the webform. You can configure how that contact is presented by editing their "Existing Contact" field.') . '</p>' . '<p>' . t("Note: In most cases it is not desirable to have the selection of webform contacts exposed to the end-user so you may wish to set this field's value on the CiviCRM tab instead.") . '</p>',
      $options_selected = wf_crm_str2array($this->component['extra']['items']);

      // Sort weights. Unselected options will be at the bottom.
      $option_keys = $option_selected_keys = array();
      foreach ($options_selected as $k => $v) {
        if (isset($options[$k])) {
          $option_keys['_web_civi_option_selected_' . $k] = '';
          $option_selected_keys[] = '_web_civi_option_selected_' . $k;
      foreach ($sort as $k => $v) {
        $option_keys['_web_civi_option_selected_' . $k] = '';
      $this->form['extra']['items']['#type'] = 'hidden';
      $this->form['extra']['items']['#required'] = FALSE;
      $this->form['extra']['items']['#value'] = $this->component['extra']['items'];
      $this->form['extra']['options_source']['#access'] = FALSE;
      $this->form['civicrm_options_fieldset']['civicrm_options'] = array(
        '#type' => 'checkboxes',
        '#required' => TRUE,
        '#options' => $option_keys,
        '#default_value' => $option_selected_keys,
      $w = 0;
      foreach ($option_keys as $k => $v) {
        $k = str_replace('_web_civi_option_selected_', '', $k);
        $this->form['civicrm_options_fieldset']['civicrm_option_label_' . $k] = array(
          '#type' => 'textfield',
          '#size' => 30,
          '#default_value' => !empty($options_selected[$k]) ? $options_selected[$k] : $options[$k],
        $this->form['civicrm_options_fieldset']['civicrm_option_weight_' . $k] = array(
          '#type' => 'textfield',
          '#size' => 3,
          '#default_value' => ++$w,
    $this->form['civicrm_options_fieldset']['civicrm_defaults'] = array(
      '#type' => 'checkboxes',
      '#options' => array(
        '' => '',
      ) + $option_keys,
      '#default_value' => $defaults_selected,

    // Auto set multi-value option for single-valued entities
    if (empty($this->field['extra']['multiple']) && $this->component['type'] === 'select') {
      $this->form['extra']['multiple']['#type'] = 'hidden';
      $this->form['extra']['multiple']['#value'] = 0;
    elseif ($this->component['type'] === 'select') {
      $this->form['extra']['multiple']['#type'] = 'checkbox';
      $this->form['extra']['multiple']['#title'] = t('Multiple');
      $this->form['extra']['multiple']['#description'] = t('Check this option if the user should be allowed to choose multiple values.');
      $this->form['extra']['multiple']['#default_value'] = !empty($this->component['extra']['multiple']);
    else {
      $this->form['extra']['multiple']['#type'] = 'hidden';
      $this->form['extra']['multiple']['#value'] = (int) (!empty($this->field['extra']['multiple']));
    array_unshift($this->form['#submit'], 'wf_crm_process_options_selection');
    return TRUE;

   * When a CiviCRM field has no options but is rendered as a select
   * Customize the options_element form
  private function alterOptionsElement() {
    $this->form['items']['options']['#key_type_toggle'] = t('Show CiviCRM values (keys)');
    $this->form['items']['options']['#key_type_toggled'] = TRUE;

   * options_element alterations for when a currency field (e.g. contribution amount, event fee) is rendered as a select
  private function moneyOptions() {
    form_load_include($this->form_state, 'inc', 'webform_civicrm', 'includes/wf_crm_admin_component');
    $this->form['#validate'][] = 'wf_crm_money_validate';
    if ($this->component['type'] === 'grid') {
      $this->form['options']['#title'] = t('Amounts (columns)');
      $this->form['options']['#description'] = t('Options to select across the top. Usually these are quantities. Keys must be numeric');
      $this->form['questions']['#title'] = t('Items (rows)');
      $this->form['questions']['#description'] = t('Items down the side of the grid. Usually the keys represent item price, which will be multiplied with the amount column.') . '<br />' . t('Use non-numeric keys to use the price from the amount column as-is with no multiplication.');
    elseif ($this->component['type'] === 'select') {
      $this->form['items']['options']['option_settings']['options_source']['#access'] = FALSE;
      $this->form['items']['#description'] = t('Enter item labels and prices. If you allow the user to select multiple items their amounts will be added together.');
    foreach (array(
    ) as $field) {
      if (!empty($this->form[$field]['options']['#key_type_toggle'])) {
        $this->form[$field]['options']['#key_type_toggle'] = t('Show Prices');
        $this->form[$field]['options']['#key_type_toggled'] = TRUE;

    // CSS trick to add currency symbol to options element keys
    $symbol = wf_crm_aval(CRM_Core_Config::singleton(), 'defaultCurrencySymbol', '$');
      .option-key-cell:before {
        content:"' . $symbol . '";
      .options-widget .form-text.option-key {
        width: 50%;
        margin-left: .3em;
      }', 'inline');

   * Custom Processing for CiviCRM webform component option lists
  public function postProcess() {
    $vals =& $this->form_state['values'];
    $vals['value'] = '';
    foreach ($vals['civicrm_options_fieldset']['civicrm_defaults'] as $k) {
      if ($k) {
        $vals['value'] .= ($vals['value'] ? ',' : '') . str_replace('_web_civi_option_selected_', '', $k);
    if (isset($vals['civicrm_options_fieldset']['civicrm_options'])) {
      if (empty($vals['extra']['civicrm_live_options'])) {
        $items = array();
        foreach ($vals['civicrm_options_fieldset']['civicrm_options'] as $k) {
          if ($k) {
            $v = str_replace('_web_civi_option_selected_', '', $k);
            if (!($label = $vals['civicrm_options_fieldset']['civicrm_option_label_' . $v])) {
              $label = $this->form['civicrm_options_fieldset']['civicrm_option_name_' . $v]['#value'];
            $items[$vals['civicrm_options_fieldset']['civicrm_option_weight_' . $v]] = $v . '|' . $label;
        $vals['extra']['items'] = implode("\n", $items);

        // A single static radio should be shown as a checkbox
        if (count($items) == 1 && empty($vals['extra']['aslist'])) {
          $vals['extra']['multiple'] = 1;
      else {
        $items = wf_crm_field_options($vals, 'live_options', $this->data);
        $items += wf_crm_str2array($vals['extra']['items']);
        $vals['extra']['items'] = wf_crm_array2str($items);

   * Look-up the webform token for a field
   * @param $cid
   * @return string
  private function componentToken($cid) {
    module_load_include('inc', 'webform', 'includes/webform.components');
    $component = $this->node->webform['components'][$cid];
    $parents = webform_component_parent_keys($this->node, $component);
    return '[submission:values:' . implode(':', $parents) . ':nolabel]';

   * Add CiviCRM info and theming to webform components form.
   * @param array $form
   * @param array $rows
   * @param stdClass $node
  public static function preprocessComponentsForm(&$form, &$rows, $node) {

    // Prepare for CiviCRM processing
    $enabled = $data = array();
    if (!empty($node->webform_civicrm)) {
      $enabled = wf_crm_enabled_fields($node);
      $data = $node->webform_civicrm['data'];
      $form['components']['#attached']['css'][] = drupal_get_path('module', 'webform_civicrm') . '/css/webform_civicrm_admin.css';
    foreach ($rows as &$row) {

      // Empty message when no components have been added
      if (!empty($row[0]['colspan'])) {
        if (empty($node->webform['components']) && wf_crm_admin_access($node)) {
          $form['components']['#attached']['js'][] = drupal_get_path('module', 'webform_civicrm') . '/js/webform_tab.js';
          $row[0]['data'] = t('Add a webform component below, or click the <a class="webform-civicrm-tab-link" href="!url">CiviCRM tab</a> to add CRM fields.', array(
            '!url' => url("node/{$node->nid}/civicrm"),
      elseif (in_array('webform-add-form', $row['class'])) {
        $form['add']['type']['#printed'] = FALSE;
        $row['data'][1] = drupal_render($form['add']['type']);
      elseif (!empty($row['data-cid']) && isset($node->webform['components'][$row['data-cid']])) {
        $cid = $row['data-cid'];
        $component = $node->webform['components'][$cid];
        $type =& $row['data'][2]['data'];
        if ($component['type'] == 'civicrm_contact') {
          $types = array(
            'autocomplete' => t('Contact - Autocomplete'),
            'select' => t('Contact - Select List'),
            'hidden' => $component['extra']['show_hidden_contact'] ? t('Contact - Static') : t('Contact - Hidden'),
          $type = $types[$component['extra']['widget']];
        elseif ($component['type'] == 'select') {
          if ($component['extra']['aslist']) {
            $type = $component['extra']['multiple'] ? t('Multi-select') : t('Select');
          else {
            $type = $component['extra']['multiple'] ? t('Checkboxes') : t('Radio buttons');
        if (in_array($cid, $enabled)) {
          $fields = wf_crm_get_fields();
          $sets = wf_crm_get_fields('sets');
          $class = 'civi-icon';
          list(, $c, $ent, $n, $table, $name) = explode('_', $component['form_key'], 6);
          $field = wf_crm_aval($fields, $table . '_' . $name, array(
            'type' => 'fieldset',

          // Don't allow CiviCRM fields to be cloned
          $row['data'][7]['data'] = '';
          if ($component['type'] == 'fieldset' && $ent == 'contact') {
            $title = t('Contact !num', array(
              '!num' => $c,
            $type = t('Fieldset for !contact', array(
              '!contact' => wf_crm_contact_label($c, $data),
            $row['data'][7]['data'] = l(t('Clone Contact'), "node/{$node->nid}/webform/components/{$cid}/clone", array(
              'attributes' => array(
                'title' => t('Add a new contact to the form with the same fields and settings'),
            $class .= ' fieldset';
          elseif ($ent == 'contact') {
            $field_type = $table == 'contact' || $table == 'other' ? $field['name'] : $sets[$table]['label'];
            $title = t('!type Field for !contact', array(
              '!contact' => wf_crm_contact_label($c, $data),
              '!type' => $field_type,
          elseif ($component['type'] != 'fieldset') {
            $title = t('Field for !type', array(
              '!type' => $sets[$table]['label'],
          else {
            $title = $type = t('Fieldset for !type !num', array(
              '!type' => $sets[$ent]['label'],
              '!num' => $c,
          if ($table === 'address' && $component['type'] === 'textfield') {
            if ($name === 'state_province_id' || $name === 'county_id') {
              $type = t('AJAX Select');
          if ($component['type'] == 'civicrm_contact' || $component['type'] == 'fieldset') {
            $class .= ' ' . ($ent == 'contact' ? $node->webform_civicrm['data']['contact'][$c]['contact'][1]['contact_type'] : $ent);
          if ($component['type'] == 'select') {
            $type .= ' (' . (empty($component['extra']['civicrm_live_options']) ? t('static') : t('live')) . ')';

          // Show defaults with labels instead of keys
          if ($component['type'] == 'civicrm_contact') {
            if ($component['extra']['default'] == 'contact_id') {
              $row['data'][3]['data'] = check_plain(wf_crm_display_name($component['extra']['default_contact_id']));
            elseif ($component['extra']['default'] == 'user') {
              $row['data'][3]['data'] = t('Current User');
            elseif ($component['extra']['default'] == 'auto') {
              $row['data'][3]['data'] = t('Auto - From Filters');
            elseif ($component['extra']['default'] == 'relationship' && $component['extra']['default_relationship']) {
              $relationship_labels = array();
              $relationship_types = wf_crm_get_relationship_types();
              foreach ($component['extra']['default_relationship'] as $default_relationship) {
                list($rid, $rtype) = explode('_', $default_relationship);
                $label_type = $rtype == 'b' ? 'b_a' : 'a_b';
                $relationship_labels[] = $relationship_types[$rid]["label_{$label_type}"] . ' ' . wf_crm_contact_label($component['extra']['default_relationship_to'], $data);
              $row['data'][3]['data'] = implode(' ' . ts('or') . ' ', $relationship_labels);
          elseif (isset($component['value']) && strlen($component['value']) && ($field['type'] == 'select' || !empty($field['expose_list']))) {
            if ($component['type'] == 'select') {
              $items = wf_crm_str2array($component['extra']['items']);
            else {
              $items = wf_crm_field_options($component, 'components_form', $node->webform_civicrm['data']);
            $val = '';
            foreach (explode(',', $component['value']) as $v) {
              if (isset($items[trim($v)])) {
                $val .= ($val ? ', ' : '') . $items[trim($v)];
            $row['data'][3]['data'] = $val;

          // Contribution page - link to civicrm config form instead of component edit form
          if ($name == 'contribution_page_id') {
            $type = t('CiviCRM Billing Fields');
            $class .= ' contribution';
            $row['data'][6]['data'] = l(t('Configure'), 'civicrm/admin/contribute/settings', array(
              'query' => array(
                'reset' => 1,
                'action' => 'update',
                'id' => $component['value'],
              'attributes' => array(
                'title' => t('Edit Contribution Page in CiviCRM'),
          $type = '<span class="' . $class . '"> </span>' . $type;
          $row['data'][2]['title'] = $title;

   * Ensure billing fields are not on same page as event/member amounts
   * @param stdClass $node
  public static function checkBillingPagination($node) {
    $enabled = wf_crm_enabled_fields($node);
    $field_ids = array(
    foreach ($node->webform['components'] as $cid => $component) {
      if (in_array($cid, $enabled)) {
        list(, , , , $key) = explode('_', $component['form_key'], 5);
        if (in_array($key, $field_ids)) {
          $payment_fields[$cid] = $component;
        elseif ($key == 'contribution_contribution_page_id') {
          $contribution_page_page = $component['page_num'];

    // Warning if payment fields are on same page as billing fields
    $message = '';
    if (isset($contribution_page_page) && !empty($payment_fields)) {
      foreach ($payment_fields as $component) {
        if ($component['page_num'] >= $contribution_page_page) {
          $message .= '<li>' . $component['name'] . '</li>';
    if ($message) {
      $message = t('In order for line-items to be displayed correctly to the user, it is recommended to add a page break in-between Contribution Billing Fields and the following:') . '<ul>' . $message . '</ul>';
      drupal_set_message($message, 'warning', FALSE);



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
wf_crm_admin_component::$component private property
wf_crm_admin_component::$data private property
wf_crm_admin_component::$field private property
wf_crm_admin_component::$form private property
wf_crm_admin_component::$form_state private property
wf_crm_admin_component::$hasOptionsTable private property
wf_crm_admin_component::$node private property
wf_crm_admin_component::adjustPageBreak public function Ensure page breaks are not placed after contribution page
wf_crm_admin_component::alterForm public function Alter back-end webform component edit forms. Called by hook_form_alter() whenever editing a webform component.
wf_crm_admin_component::alterOptionsElement private function When a CiviCRM field has no options but is rendered as a select Customize the options_element form
wf_crm_admin_component::buildOptionsTable private function Interface similar to options_element module but with the important difference that options already exist in the civi db so this does not allow create/delete of options
wf_crm_admin_component::checkBillingPagination public static function Ensure billing fields are not on same page as event/member amounts
wf_crm_admin_component::componentToken private function Look-up the webform token for a field
wf_crm_admin_component::moneyOptions private function options_element alterations for when a currency field (e.g. contribution amount, event fee) is rendered as a select
wf_crm_admin_component::postProcess public function Custom Processing for CiviCRM webform component option lists
wf_crm_admin_component::preprocessComponentsForm public static function Add CiviCRM info and theming to webform components form.
wf_crm_admin_component::__construct function