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function webform_token_info in Webform 8.5

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.4 \webform_token_info()
  2. 6.x \webform_token_info()

Implements hook_token_info().

1 call to webform_token_info()
WebformSubmissionLimitBlock::buildTokens in src/Plugin/Block/WebformSubmissionLimitBlock.php
Build available tokens for submission limit type and source entity.


./, line 31
Builds placeholder replacement tokens for webforms and submissions.


function webform_token_info() {
  $types = [];
  $tokens = [];


  // Webform submission.

  $types['webform_submission'] = [
    'name' => t('Webform submissions'),
    'description' => t('Tokens related to webform submission.'),
    'needs-data' => 'webform_submission',
  $webform_submission = [];
  $webform_submission['serial'] = [
    'name' => t('Submission serial number'),
    'description' => t('The serial number of the webform submission.'),
  $webform_submission['sid'] = [
    'name' => t('Submission ID'),
    'description' => t('The ID of the webform submission.'),
  $webform_submission['uuid'] = [
    'name' => t('UUID'),
    'description' => t('The UUID of the webform submission.'),
  $webform_submission['token'] = [
    'name' => t('Token'),
    'description' => t('A secure token used to look up a submission.'),
  $webform_submission['ip-address'] = [
    'name' => t('IP address'),
    'description' => t('The IP address that was used when submitting the webform submission.'),
  $webform_submission['source-title'] = [
    'name' => t('Source URL'),
    'description' => t('The Title of the source entity or webform.'),
  $webform_submission['source-url'] = [
    'name' => t('Source URL'),
    'description' => t('The URL the user submitted the webform submission.'),
    'type' => 'url',
  $webform_submission['view-url'] = [
    'name' => t('View (token) URL'),
    'description' => t('The URL that can used to view the webform submission. The webform must be configured to allow users to view a submission using a secure token.'),
    'type' => 'url',
  $webform_submission['update-url'] = [
    'name' => t('Update (token) URL'),
    'description' => t('The URL that can used to update the webform submission. The webform must be configured to allow users to update a submission using a secure token.'),
    'type' => 'url',
  $webform_submission['delete-url'] = [
    'name' => t('Delete (token) URL'),
    'description' => t('The URL that can used to delete the webform submission. The webform must be configured to allow users to delete a submission using a secure token.'),
    'type' => 'url',
  $webform_submission['langcode'] = [
    'name' => t('Langcode'),
    'description' => t('The language code of the webform submission.'),
  $webform_submission['language'] = [
    'name' => t('Language'),
    'description' => t('The language name of the webform submission.'),
  $webform_submission['current-page'] = [
    'name' => t('Current page'),
    'description' => t('The current (last submitted) wizard page of the webform submission.'),
  $webform_submission['current-page:title'] = [
    'name' => t('Current page title'),
    'description' => t('The current (last submitted) wizard page title of the webform submission.'),
  $webform_submission['in-draft'] = [
    'name' => t('In draft'),
    'description' => t('Is the webform submission in draft.'),
  $webform_submission['state'] = [
    'name' => t('State (Name)'),
    'description' => t('The state of the webform submission. (unsaved, draft, completed, updated, locked, or converted)'),
  $webform_submission['state:label'] = [
    'name' => t('State (Label)'),
    'description' => t('The state raw value untranslated of the webform submission. (Unsaved, Draft, Completed, Updated, Locked, or Converted)'),
  $webform_submission['label'] = [
    'name' => t('Label'),
    'description' => t('The label of the webform submission.'),

  // Limit: Webform.
  $webform_submission['limit:webform'] = [
    'name' => t('Total submissions limit'),
    'description' => t('The total number of submissions allowed for the webform.'),
  $webform_submission['interval:webform'] = [
    'name' => t('Total submissions limit interval'),
    'description' => t('The total submissions interval for the webform.'),
  $webform_submission['interval:webform:wait'] = [
    'name' => t('Wait time before next submission'),
    'description' => t('The amount of time before the next allowed submission for the webform.'),
  $webform_submission['total:webform'] = [
    'name' => t('Total submissions'),
    'description' => t('The current number of submissions for the webform.'),
  $webform_submission['remaining:webform'] = [
    'name' => t('Remaining number of submissions'),
    'description' => t('The remaining number of submissions for the webform.'),

  // Limit: User.
  $webform_submission['limit:user'] = [
    'name' => t('Per user submission limit'),
    'description' => t('The total number of submissions allowed per user for the webform.'),
  $webform_submission['interval:user'] = [
    'name' => t('Per user submission limit interval'),
    'description' => t('The total submissions interval per user for the webform.'),
  $webform_submission['interval:user:wait'] = [
    'name' => t('Per user wait time before next submission'),
    'description' => t('The amount of time before the next allowed submission per user for the webform.'),
  $webform_submission['total:user'] = [
    'name' => t('Per user total submissions'),
    'description' => t('The current number of submissions for the user for the webform.'),
  $webform_submission['remaining:user'] = [
    'name' => t('Per user remaining number of submissions'),
    'description' => t('The remaining number of submissions for the user for the webform.'),

  // Limit: Source entity.
  $webform_submission['limit:webform:source_entity'] = [
    'name' => t('Total submissions limit per source entity'),
    'description' => t('The total number of submissions allowed for the webform source entity.'),
  $webform_submission['interval:webform:source_entity'] = [
    'name' => t('Total submissions limit interval per source entity'),
    'description' => t('The total submissions interval for the webform source entity.'),
  $webform_submission['interval:webform:source_entity:wait'] = [
    'name' => t('Wait time before next submission for a source entity'),
    'description' => t('The amount of time before the next allowed submission for the webform source entity.'),
  $webform_submission['total:webform:source_entity'] = [
    'name' => t('Total submissions for source entity'),
    'description' => t('The current number of submissions for the webform source entity.'),
  $webform_submission['remaining:webform:source_entity'] = [
    'name' => t('Remaining number of submissions for source entity'),
    'description' => t('Remaining number of submissions for the webform source entity.'),

  // Limit: User and Source entity.
  $webform_submission['limit:user:source_entity'] = [
    'name' => t('Per user submission limit for a source entity'),
    'description' => t('The total number of submissions allowed per user for the webform source entity.'),
  $webform_submission['interval:user:source_entity'] = [
    'name' => t('Per user submission limit interval for a source entity'),
    'description' => t('The total submissions interval per user for the webform source entity.'),
  $webform_submission['interval:user:source_entity:wait'] = [
    'name' => t('Per user wait time before next submission for a source entity'),
    'description' => t('The amount of time before the next allowed submission per user for the webform source entity.'),
  $webform_submission['total:user:source_entity'] = [
    'name' => t('Per user total submissions for a source entity'),
    'description' => t('The current number of submissions for the user for the webform source entity.'),
  $webform_submission['remaining:user:source_entity'] = [
    'name' => t('Per user remaining number of submissions for a source entity'),
    'description' => t('The remaining number of submissions for the user for the webform source entity.'),

  // Dynamic tokens for webform submissions.
  $webform_submission['url'] = [
    'name' => t('URL'),
    'description' => t("The URL of the webform submission. Replace the '?' with the link template. Defaults to 'canonical' which displays the submission's data."),
    'dynamic' => TRUE,
  $webform_submission['values'] = [
    'name' => t('Submission values'),
    'description' => Markup::create(t('Webform tokens from submitted data.') . _webform_token_render_more(t('Learn about submission value tokens'), t("Omit the '?' to output all values. Output all values as HTML using [webform_submission:values:html].") . '<br />' . t("To output individual elements, replace the '?' with…") . '<br />' . '<ul>' . '<li>element_key</li>' . '<li>element_key:format</li>' . '<li>element_key:raw</li>' . '<li>element_key:format:items</li>' . '<li>element_key:delta</li>' . '<li>element_key:sub_element_key</li>' . '<li>element_key:delta:sub_element_key</li>' . '<li>element_key:sub_element_key:format</li>' . '<li>element_key:delta:sub_element_key:format</li>' . '<li>element_key:delta:format</li>' . '<li>element_key:delta:format:html</li>' . '<li>element_key:entity:*</li>' . '<li>element_key:delta:entity:*</li>' . '<li>element_key:delta:entity:field_name:*</li>' . '<li>element_key:sub_element_key:entity:*</li>' . '<li>element_key:sub_element_key:entity:field_name:*</li>' . '<li>element_key:delta:sub_element_key:entity:*</li>' . '<li>element_key:checked:option_value</li>' . '<li>element_key:selected:option_value</li>' . '</ul>' . t("All items after the 'element_key' are optional.") . '<br />' . t("The 'delta' is the numeric index for specific value") . '<br />' . t("The 'sub_element_key' is a composite element's sub element key.") . '<br />' . t("The 'checked'  or 'selected' looks to see if an 'option_value' is checked or selected for an options element (select, checkboxes, or radios)") . '<br />' . t("The 'option_value' is options value for an options element (select, checkboxes, or radios).") . '<br />' . t("The 'format' can be 'value', 'raw', or custom format specifically associated with the element") . '<br />' . t("The 'items' can be 'comma', 'semicolon', 'and', 'ol', 'ul', or custom delimiter") . '<br />' . t("The 'entity:*' applies to the referenced entity") . '<br />' . t("Add 'html' at the end of the token to return HTML markup instead of plain text.") . '<br />' . t("For example, to display the Contact webform's 'Subject' element's value you would use the [webform_submission:values:subject] token."))),
    'dynamic' => TRUE,

  // Chained tokens for webform submissions.
  $webform_submission['user'] = [
    'name' => t('Submitter'),
    'description' => t('The user that submitted the webform submission.'),
    'type' => 'user',
  $webform_submission['created'] = [
    'name' => t('Date created'),
    'description' => t('The date the webform submission was created.'),
    'type' => 'date',
  $webform_submission['completed'] = [
    'name' => t('Date completed'),
    'description' => t('The date the webform submission was completed.'),
    'type' => 'date',
  $webform_submission['changed'] = [
    'name' => t('Date changed'),
    'description' => t('The date the webform submission was most recently updated.'),
    'type' => 'date',
  $webform_submission['webform'] = [
    'name' => t('Webform'),
    'description' => t('The webform that the webform submission belongs to.'),
    'type' => 'webform',
  $webform_submission['source-entity'] = [
    'name' => t('Source entity'),
    'description' => t('The source entity that the webform submission was submitted from.'),
    'type' => 'entity',
    'dynamic' => TRUE,
  $webform_submission['source-title'] = [
    'name' => t('Source title'),
    'description' => t('The source entity title that the webform submission was submitted from, defaults to the webform title when there is no source entity.'),
    'type' => 'entity',
    'dynamic' => TRUE,
  $webform_submission['submitted-to'] = [
    'name' => t('Submitted to'),
    'description' => t('The source entity or webform that the webform submission was submitted from.'),
    'type' => 'entity',
    'dynamic' => TRUE,

  // Append link to token help to source-entity and submitted-to description.
  if (\Drupal::moduleHandler()
    ->moduleExists('token') && \Drupal::moduleHandler()
    ->moduleExists('help')) {
    $token_url = Url::fromRoute('', [
      'name' => 'token',
    $t_args = [
      ':href' => $token_url
    $token_help = t('For a list of the currently available source entity related tokens, please see <a href=":href">token help</a>.', $t_args);
    $webform_submission['source-entity']['description'] = Markup::create($webform_submission['source-entity']['description'] . '<br/>' . $token_help);
    $webform_submission['submitted-to']['description'] = Markup::create($webform_submission['submitted-to']['description'] . '<br/>' . $token_help);
  $tokens['webform_submission'] = $webform_submission;


  // Webform.

  $types['webform'] = [
    'name' => t('Webforms'),
    'description' => t('Tokens related to webforms.'),
    'needs-data' => 'webform',
  $webform = [];
  $webform['id'] = [
    'name' => t('Webform ID'),
    'description' => t('The ID of the webform.'),
  $webform['title'] = [
    'name' => t('Title'),
    'description' => t('The title of the webform.'),
  $webform['description'] = [
    'name' => t('Description'),
    'description' => t('The administrative description of the webform.'),
  $webform['url'] = [
    'name' => t('URL'),
    'description' => t('The URL of the webform.'),
  $webform['author'] = [
    'name' => t('Author'),
    'type' => 'user',
  $webform['open'] = [
    'name' => t('Open date'),
    'description' => t('The date the webform is open to new submissions.'),
    'type' => 'date',
  $webform['close'] = [
    'name' => t('Close date'),
    'description' => t('The date the webform is closed to new submissions.'),
    'type' => 'date',
  $webform['element'] = [
    'name' => t('Element properties'),
    'description' => Markup::create(t('Webform element property tokens.') . _webform_token_render_more(t('Learn about element property tokens'), t("Replace the '?' with…") . '<br />' . '<ul>' . '<li>element_key:title</li>' . '<li>element_key:description</li>' . '<li>element_key:help</li>' . '<li>element_key:more</li>' . '</ul>' . t("For example, to display an email element's title (aka #title) you would use the [webform:element:email:title] token."))),
    'dynamic' => TRUE,
  $webform['handler'] = [
    'name' => t('Handler response'),
    'description' => Markup::create(t('Webform handler response tokens.') . _webform_token_render_more(t('Learn about handler response tokens'), t("Replace the '?' with…") . '<br />' . '<ul>' . '<li>handler_id:state:key</li>' . '<li>handler_id:state:key1:key2</li>' . '</ul>' . t("For example, to display a remote post's confirmation number you would use the [webform:handler:remote_post:completed:confirmation_number] token."))),
    'dynamic' => TRUE,
  $tokens['webform'] = $webform;


  // Webform role.

  $roles = \Drupal::config('webform.settings')
  if ($roles) {
    $types['webform_role'] = [
      'name' => t('Webform roles'),
      'description' => t("Tokens related to user roles that can receive email. <em>This token is only available to a Webform email handler's 'To', 'CC', and 'BCC' email recipients.</em>"),
      'needs-data' => 'webform_role',
    $webform_role = [];
    $role_names = array_map('\\Drupal\\Component\\Utility\\Html::escape', user_role_names(TRUE));
    if (!in_array('authenticated', $roles)) {
      $role_names = array_intersect_key($role_names, array_combine($roles, $roles));
    foreach ($role_names as $role_name => $role_label) {
      $webform_role[$role_name] = [
        'name' => $role_label,
        'description' => t('The email addresses of all users assigned to the %title role.', [
          '%title' => $role_label,
    $tokens['webform_role'] = $webform_role;

  return [
    'types' => $types,
    'tokens' => $tokens,