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function webform_file_download in Webform 8.5

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5.2 webform.module \webform_file_download()
  2. 5 webform.module \webform_file_download()
  3. 6.3 webform.module \webform_file_download()
  4. 6.2 webform.module \webform_file_download()
  5. 7.4 webform.module \webform_file_download()
  6. 7.3 webform.module \webform_file_download()
  7. 6.x webform.module \webform_file_download()

Implements hook_file_download().


./webform.module, line 790
Enables the creation of webforms and questionnaires.


function webform_file_download($uri) {
  return ManagedFile::accessFileDownload($uri);