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12 calls to _webform_filter_values() in Webform 6.2

webform_client_form_submit in ./webform.module
webform_expand_date in components/
_webform_csv_data_select in components/
Return the result of a textfield submission. The output of this function will be displayed under the "results" tab then "submissions".
_webform_filter_descriptions in ./webform.module
Filters all special tokens provided by webform, and allows basic layout in descriptions.
_webform_grid_options in components/
Utility function to split user-entered values from new-line separated text into an array of options.
_webform_render_email in components/
Build a form item array containing all the properties of this component.
_webform_render_hidden in components/
Build a form item array containing all the properties of this component.
_webform_render_markup in components/
Build a form item array containing all the properties of this component.
_webform_render_select in components/
Build a form item array containing all the properties of this component.
_webform_render_textarea in components/
Build a form item array containing all the properties of this component.
_webform_render_textfield in components/
Build a form item array containing all the properties of this component.
_webform_select_options in components/
Utility function to split user-entered values from new-line seperated text into an array of options.