You are here in Webform 5

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 * This file includes helper functions for webform.module
 * @author Nathan Haug <>
 * @author Pontus Ullgren <>
 * @copyright Pontus Ullgren 2004

 * Generate a list of all webforms avaliable on this site.
function _webform_page() {
  $header = array(
      'data' => t('View'),
      'colspan' => '4',
      'data' => t('Operations'),
      'colspan' => '2',
  $result = db_query("SELECT nid, uid, title FROM {node} WHERE type = 'webform'");
  while ($node = db_fetch_object($result)) {
    $row = array(
      l($node->title, 'node/' . $node->nid),
    if (user_access('access webform results')) {
      $row[] = l(t('Submissions'), 'node/' . $node->nid . '/results');
      $row[] = l(t('Analysis'), 'node/' . $node->nid . '/results/analysis');
      $row[] = l(t('Table'), 'node/' . $node->nid . '/results/table');
      $row[] = l(t('Download'), 'node/' . $node->nid . '/results/download');
    else {
      $row = array_merge($row, array(
    $row[] = node_access('update', $node) ? l(t('Edit'), 'node/' . $node->nid . '/edit') : '';
    $row[] = user_access('clear webform results') ? l(t('Clear'), 'node/' . $node->nid . '/results/clear') : '';
    $rows[] = $row;
  $content = theme('table', $header, $rows);
  return $content;

 * Delete all submission for a form.
 * @param $nid
 *   ID of node for which to clear submissions.
function _webform_results_clear($nid) {
  drupal_set_title(t("Clear Form Submissions"));
  $form = array();
  $form['nid'] = array(
    '#type' => 'value',
    '#value' => $nid,
  $question = t("Are you sure you want to delete all submissions for this form?");
  return confirm_form($form, $question, 'node/' . $nid . '/results', NULL, t('Clear'), t('Cancel'));
function _webform_results_clear_submit($form_id, $form_values) {
  db_query('DELETE FROM {webform_submitted_data} WHERE nid = %d', $form_values['nid']);
  db_query('DELETE FROM {webform_submissions} WHERE nid = %d', $form_values['nid']);
  $node = node_load(array(
    'nid' => $form_values['nid'],
  $title = $node->title;
  $message = t('Webform %title entries cleared.', array(
    '%title' => $title,
  watchdog('webform', $message, WATCHDOG_NOTICE);

 * Delete one form submission.
 * @param $nid
 *   ID of node for which this webform was submitted.
 * @param $sid
 *   ID of submission to be deleted (from webform_submitted_data).
function _webform_submission_delete($nid, $sid) {
  drupal_set_title(t("Delete Form Submission"));
  $form = array();
  $form['nid'] = array(
    '#type' => 'value',
    '#value' => $nid,
  $form['sid'] = array(
    '#type' => 'value',
    '#value' => $sid,
  $question = t("Are you sure you want to delete this submission?");
  return confirm_form($form, $question, 'node/' . $nid . '/results', NULL, t('Delete'), t('Cancel'));
function _webform_submission_delete_submit($form_id, $form_values) {
  $nid = $form_values['nid'];
  $sid = $form_values['sid'];
  db_query('DELETE FROM {webform_submitted_data} WHERE nid = %d AND sid = %d', $nid, $sid);
  db_query('DELETE FROM {webform_submissions} WHERE nid = %d AND sid = %d', $nid, $sid);
  drupal_set_message(t("Submission deleted"));
  drupal_goto('node/' . $nid . '/results');

 * Return all the submissions for a particular node.
 * @param $nid
 *   The node ID for which submissions are being fetched.
 * @param $header
 *   If the results of this fetch will be used in a sortable table, pass the
 *   array header of the table.
function _webform_fetch_submissions($nid, $header = NULL) {
  $query = 'SELECT s.*, sd.cid,,,, u.mail, u.status ' . 'FROM {webform_submissions} s ' . 'LEFT JOIN {webform_submitted_data} sd ON sd.sid = s.sid ' . 'LEFT JOIN {users} u ON u.uid = s.uid ' . 'WHERE sd.nid = %d';
  if (is_array($header)) {
    $query .= tablesort_sql($header);
  $res = db_query($query, $nid);
  $submissions = array();
  $previous = array();

  // Outer loop: iterate for each submission.
  while ($row = db_fetch_object($res)) {
    if ($row->sid != $previous) {
      $submissions[$row->sid]->sid = $row->sid;
      $submissions[$row->sid]->submitted = $row->submitted;
      $submissions[$row->sid]->remote_addr = $row->remote_addr;
      $submissions[$row->sid]->uid = $row->uid;
      $submissions[$row->sid]->name = $row->name;
      $submissions[$row->sid]->status = $row->status;
    $submissions[$row->sid]->data[$row->cid]['value'][$row->no] = $row->data;
    $previous = $row->sid;
  return $submissions;

 * Fetch a specified submission for a webform node.
function _webform_fetch_submission($sid, $nid) {
  $submission = array();
  $query = 'SELECT s.*, sd.cid,, ' . 'FROM {webform_submitted_data} as sd ' . 'LEFT JOIN {webform_submissions} as s on (sd.sid = s.sid) ' . 'WHERE sd.sid = %d AND s.nid = %d';
  $res = db_query($query, $sid, $nid);
  $recs = db_num_rows($res);
  if ($recs >= 1) {
    $row = db_fetch_array($res);
    $submission['nid'] = $row['nid'];
    $submission['sid'] = $row['sid'];
    $submission['uid'] = $row['uid'];
    $submission['remote_addr'] = $row['remote_addr'];
    $submission['submitted'] = $row['submitted'];
    while ($row) {
      $submission['data'][$row['cid']]['value'][$row['no']] = $row['data'];
      $row = db_fetch_array($res);
  return $submission;

 * Theme the contents of emails sent by webform.
 * @param $form_values
 *   An array of all form values submitted by the user. The array contains three
 *   keys containing the following:
 *   - submitted: All the submitted values in a single array keyed by webform
 *     component IDs. Useful for simply looping over the values.
 *   - submitted_tree: All the submitted values in a tree-structure array, keyed
 *     by the Form Key values defined by the user.
 * @param $node
 *   The complete node object for the webform.
 * @param $sid
 *   The submission ID of the new submission.
function theme_webform_create_mailmessage($form_values, $node, $sid) {
  global $user;
  $message = '';
  $message .= t('Submitted on') . ' ' . format_date(time(), 'small') . "\n";
  $ip_address = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
  if ($user->uid) {
    $message .= t('Submitted by user') . ": {$user->name} [{$ip_address}]\n";
  else {
    $message .= t('Submitted by anonymous user') . ": [{$ip_address}]\n";
  $message .= "\n";
  $message .= t('Submitted values are');
  $message .= theme('webform_mail_fields', 0, $form_values['submitted_tree'], $node);
  $message .= "\n\n";
  $message .= t("The results of this submission may be viewed at:\n");
  $message .= url('node/' . $node->nid, "sid=" . $sid, NULL, TRUE);
  return $message;
function theme_webform_mail_fields($key, $value, $node, $indent = "") {

  // First check for component-level themes.
  $themed_output = theme("webform_mail_" . $node->webformcomponents[$key]['type'], $value, $node->webformcomponents[$key]);
  if ($themed_output) {

    // Indent the output and add to message.
    $message .= $indent;
    $themed_output = rtrim($themed_output, "\n");
    $message .= str_replace("\n", "\n" . $indent, $themed_output);
    $message .= "\n";
  elseif (!is_array($value)) {

    // Note that newlines cannot be preceeded by spaces to display properly in some clients.
    if ($node->webformcomponents[$key]['name']) {

      // If text is more than 60 characters, put it on a new line with space after.
      $long = strlen($indent . $node->webformcomponents[$key]['name'] . $value) > 60;
      $message .= $indent . $node->webformcomponents[$key]['name'] . ":" . (empty($value) ? "\n" : ($long ? "\n{$value}\n\n" : " {$value}\n"));
  else {
    $message .= $indent . $node->webformcomponents[$key]['name'] . ":\n";
    foreach ($value as $k => $v) {
      foreach ($node->webformcomponents as $local_key => $local_value) {
        if ($local_value['form_key'] == $k && $local_value['parent'] == $key) {
          $form_key = $local_key;
      $message .= theme('webform_mail_fields', $form_key, $v, $node, $indent . "  ");
  return $message;
function _webform_submission_spam_check($to, $subject, $message, $from, $headers = array()) {
  $headers = implode('\\n', $headers);

  // Check if they are attempting to spam using a bcc or content type hack.
  if (preg_match('/(b?cc\\s?:)|(content\\-type:)/i', $to . "\n" . $subject . "\n" . $from . "\n" . $headers)) {
    return true;

    // Possible spam attempt.
  return false;

  // Not spam.
function _webform_submission_limit_check($node, $form_values) {
  global $user, $db_type;

  // check if submission limiting is enabled.
  if ($node->submit_limit == '-1') {
    return false;

    // No check enabled.

  // Retrieve submission data for this IP address or username from the database.
  $query = "SELECT submitted, uid, remote_addr " . "FROM {webform_submissions} " . "WHERE (( 0 = %d AND remote_addr = '%s') OR uid = %d )" . "AND submitted > %d AND nid = %d";

  // Fetch all the entries from the database within the submit interval with this username and IP.
  $result = db_query($query, $user->uid, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $user->uid, time() - $node->submit_interval, $node->nid);
  $num_submissions_database = db_num_rows($result);

  // Double check the submission history from the users machine using cookies.
  if (variable_get("webform_use_cookies", 0)) {
    $cookie_name = 'webform-' . $node->nid;
    if (isset($_COOKIE[$cookie_name]) && is_array($_COOKIE[$cookie_name])) {
      foreach ($_COOKIE[$cookie_name] as $key => $timestamp) {
        if ($timestamp <= time() - $node->submit_interval) {

          // Remove the cookie if past the required time interval.
          setcookie($cookie_name . "[" . $key . "]", "", 0);

      // Count the number of submissions recorded in cookies.
      $num_submissions_cookie = count($_COOKIE[$cookie_name]);
    else {
      $num_submissions_cookie = 0;
  if ($num_submissions_database >= $node->submit_limit || $num_submissions_cookie >= $node->submit_limit) {

    // Limit exceeded.
    return $num_submissions_database;
  else {

    // Increment a cookie for triple recording of the submission.
    if (variable_get("webform_use_cookies", 0)) {
      $attempted_key = 0;
      if ($num_submissions_cookie > 0) {
        while (array_key_exists($attempted_key, $_COOKIE[$cookie_name])) {

      // Set a cookie including the server's submission time.
      // The cookie expires in the length of the interval plus a day to compensate for different timezones.
      setcookie($cookie_name . "[" . $attempted_key . "]", time(), time() + $node->submit_interval + 86400);

    // Limit not exceeded.
    return false;


Namesort descending Description
theme_webform_create_mailmessage Theme the contents of emails sent by webform.
_webform_fetch_submission Fetch a specified submission for a webform node.
_webform_fetch_submissions Return all the submissions for a particular node.
_webform_page Generate a list of all webforms avaliable on this site.
_webform_results_clear Delete all submission for a form.
_webform_submission_delete Delete one form submission.