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function _webform_theme_component in Webform 7.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.3 webform.api.php \_webform_theme_component()
  2. 7.4 webform.api.php \_webform_theme_component()

Module specific instance of hook_theme().

This allows each Webform component to add information into hook_theme(). If you specify a file to include, you must define the path to the module that this file belongs to.

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./webform.api.php, line 829
Sample hooks demonstrating usage in Webform.


function _webform_theme_component() {
  return array(
    'webform_grid' => array(
      'render element' => 'element',
      'file' => 'components/',
      'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'webform'),
    'webform_display_grid' => array(
      'render element' => 'element',
      'file' => 'components/',
      'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'webform'),