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class WebformTestHandlerRemotePostClient in Webform 8.5

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.x tests/modules/webform_test_handler_remote_post/src/WebformTestHandlerRemotePostClient.php \Drupal\webform_test_handler_remote_post\WebformTestHandlerRemotePostClient

Extend Guzzle client so that we can override remote posts.


Expanded class hierarchy of WebformTestHandlerRemotePostClient


tests/modules/webform_test_handler_remote_post/src/WebformTestHandlerRemotePostClient.php, line 14


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class WebformTestHandlerRemotePostClient extends Client {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function request($method, $uri = '', array $options = []) {
    if (strpos($uri, 'http://webform-test-handler-remote-post/') === FALSE) {
      return parent::request($method, $uri, $options);
    if ($method === 'get') {
      parse_str(parse_url($uri, PHP_URL_QUERY), $params);
    else {
      $params = isset($options['json']) ? $options['json'] : $options['form_params'];
    $response_type = isset($params['response_type']) ? $params['response_type'] : 200;
    $operation = ltrim(parse_url($uri, PHP_URL_PATH), '/');
    $random = new Random();

    // Handle 404 errors.
    switch ($response_type) {

      // 404 Not Found.
      case 404:
        return new Response(404, [], 'File not found');

      // 405 Method Not Allowed.
      case 405:
        return new Response(405, [], 'Method Not Allowed');

      // 401 Unauthorized.
      case 401:
        $status = 401;
        $headers = [
          'Content-Type' => [
        $json = [
          'method' => $method,
          'status' => 'unauthorized',
          'message' => (string) new FormattableMarkup('Unauthorized to process @type request.', [
            '@type' => $operation,
          'options' => $options,
        return new Response($status, $headers, Json::encode($json));

      // 500 Internal Server Error.
      case 500:
        $status = 500;
        $headers = [
          'Content-Type' => [
        $json = [
          'method' => $method,
          'status' => 'fail',
          'message' => (string) new FormattableMarkup('Failed to process @type request.', [
            '@type' => $operation,
          'options' => $options,
        return new Response($status, $headers, Json::encode($json));
      case 201:
        $status = 201;
        $headers = [
          'Content-Type' => [
        $json = [
          'method' => $method,
          'status' => 'success',
          'message' => (string) new FormattableMarkup('Process @type request.', [
            '@type' => $operation,
          'options' => $options,
          'confirmation_number' => $random
            ->name(20, TRUE),
        return new Response($status, $headers, Json::encode($json));

      // 200 OK.
      case 200:
        $status = 200;
        $headers = [
          'Content-Type' => [
        $json = [
          'method' => $method,
          'status' => 'success',
          'message' => (string) new FormattableMarkup('Processed @type request.', [
            '@type' => $operation,
          'options' => $options,
          'confirmation_number' => $random
            ->name(20, TRUE),
        return new Response($status, $headers, Json::encode($json));



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
WebformTestHandlerRemotePostClient::request public function Create and send an HTTP request.