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private function WebformConditionalsTestCase::webformTestConditionalComponent in Webform 7.4

Assembles a test node for checking if conditional properties are respected.


$component: The sample component that should be tested as the source of a conditional operator.


$operator: The operator that will be used to check the source component, such as "equal" or "starts_with". See _webform_conditional_operator_info().

$conditional_values: The string match value that will be entered into the source component's conditional configuration. If passed in as an array, multiple rules will be added to the conditional.

$should_match: Boolean value indicating if the source values will cause the conditional operation to trigger or not. If TRUE, the submission should succeed. If FALSE, validation errors are expected to be triggered. The input $value will be compared against the "sample values" input provided by webformComponents().

1 call to WebformConditionalsTestCase::webformTestConditionalComponent()
WebformConditionalsTestCase::testWebformConditionals in tests/WebformConditionalsTestCase.test
Test that required fields with no default value can't be submitted as-is.


tests/WebformConditionalsTestCase.test, line 112


Webform module conditional tests.


private function webformTestConditionalComponent($component, $input_values, $operator, $conditional_values, $should_match) {

  // Create the Webform test node and add a same-page conditional followed
  // by a second-page conditional. Insert page breaks between all components.
  $input_string = is_array($input_values) ? print_r($input_values, 1) : $input_values;
  $match_string = is_array($conditional_values) ? print_r($conditional_values, 1) : $conditional_values;
  $conditional_string = $should_match ? 'should' : 'should not';
  $settings = array(
    'title' => 'Test conditional webform: ' . $component['type'] . ' "' . $input_string . '"' . $conditional_string . ' be ' . $operator . ' "' . $match_string . '"',
    'type' => 'webform',
    'webform' => webform_node_defaults(),
  $components = array();
  $components[] = $component;
  $test_components = $this
  $textfield = $test_components['textfield']['component'];

  // Add a test textfield on the first page.
  $textfield['weight'] = '199';
  $textfield['form_key'] = $this
  $textfield['required'] = '1';
  $components[] = $textfield;

  // Then add a page break and another textfield on the second page.
  $components[] = array(
    'type' => 'pagebreak',
    'form_key' => 'pagebreak_' . $this
    'pid' => 0,
    'name' => 'Page break',
    'weight' => '200',
  $textfield['form_key'] = $this
  $textfield['weight'] = '201';
  $components[] = $textfield;
  $settings['webform']['components'] = $components;
  $node = $this

  // Needed to get a complete object.
  $node = node_load($node->nid);

  // We now have a new test node. First try checking same-page conditionals.
  $rules = array();
  $conditional_values = is_array($conditional_values) ? $conditional_values : array(
  foreach ($conditional_values as $conditional_value) {
    $rules[] = array(
      'source_type' => 'component',
      // The first component in the form is always the source.
      'source' => 1,
      'operator' => $operator,
      'value' => $conditional_value,
  $conditional = array(
    'rgid' => 0,
    'rules' => $rules,
    'andor' => 'and',
    'actions' => array(
      0 => array(
        'action' => 'show',
        // Target set individually.
        'target' => NULL,
        'target_type' => 'component',
        'invert' => '1',
        'argument' => NULL,
    'weight' => 0,

  // The same-page textfield test.
  $conditional['actions'][0]['target'] = 2;
  $node->webform['conditionals'] = array(

  // Submit our test data.
  $edit = $this
    $component['form_key'] => $input_values,
    ->drupalPost('node/' . $node->nid, $edit, 'Next Page >', array(), array(), 'webform-client-form-' . $node->nid);

  // Ensure we reached the second page for matched conditionals.
  $message = t('Conditional same-page skipping of validation passed for "%form_key": %input_values @conditional_string be @operator %match_string', array(
    '%form_key' => $component['form_key'],
    '%input_values' => $input_string,
    '@conditional_string' => $conditional_string,
    '@operator' => $operator,
    '%match_string' => $match_string,
  if ($should_match) {
      ->assertRaw('< Previous Page', $message, t('Webform'));
  else {
      ->assertNoRaw('< Previous Page', $message, t('Webform'));

  // Adjust the conditionals to make them separate-page conditionals.
  // The separate-page textfield test.
  $conditional['actions'][0]['target'] = 3;
  $node->webform['conditionals'] = array(
  $node->webform['components'][2]['required'] = '0';

  // Re-submit the form again, this time checking for the field on the
  // second page.
    ->drupalPost('node/' . $node->nid, $edit, 'Next Page >', array(), array(), 'webform-client-form-' . $node->nid);
  $string_match = 'name="submitted[' . $textfield['form_key'] . ']"';

  // Ensure that the field is properly hidden based on a match.
  $message = t('Conditional separate-page skipping of validation passed for "%form_key": %input_values @conditional_string be @operator %match_string', array(
    '%form_key' => $component['form_key'],
    '%input_values' => $input_string,
    '@conditional_string' => $conditional_string,
    '@operator' => $operator,
    '%match_string' => $match_string,
  if ($should_match) {
      ->assertNoRaw($string_match, $message, t('Webform'));
  else {
      ->assertRaw($string_match, $message, t('Webform'));