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10 calls to webform_get_submissions() in Webform 7.4

WebformSubmissionTestCase::testWebformSubmission in tests/WebformSubmissionTestCase.test
Test sending a submission and check database integrity.
webform_component_delete in includes/
Delete a Webform component.
webform_file_download in ./webform.module
Implements hook_file_download().
webform_get_submission in includes/
Fetch a specified submission for a webform node.
webform_handler_field_submission_data::pre_render in views/
Load the node and submissions needed for this components values.
webform_results_clear in includes/
Delete all submissions for a node.
webform_results_download_rows in includes/
Returns rows of downloadable webform data.
webform_results_submissions in includes/
Retrieve lists of submissions for a given webform.
webform_results_table in includes/
Create a table containing all submitted values for a webform node.
webform_views_plugin_row_submission_view::pre_render in views/
Allow the style to do stuff before each row is rendered.