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function _webform_update_elements_clear_properties in Webform 6.x

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.5 includes/ \_webform_update_elements_clear_properties()

Clear/remove selected webform element properties.


array $properties: An associative array of webform element properties.

3 calls to _webform_update_elements_clear_properties()
webform_update_8116 in includes/
Stop #multiple__label and #multiple__labels from being saved with every element.
webform_update_8200 in includes/
Issue #3161787: Image select element is included empty filter properties.
webform_update_8609 in includes/
Issue #3161787: Image select element is included empty filter properties.


includes/, line 397
Webform install helper functions.


function _webform_update_elements_clear_properties(array $properties) {
  $pattern = '/(?:' . implode('|', array_keys($properties)) . ')/';
  $config_factory = \Drupal::configFactory();
  foreach ($config_factory
    ->listAll('webform.webform.') as $webform_config_name) {
    $webform_config = $config_factory
    $data = $webform_config

    // Make sure elements contains the properties.
    if (!preg_match($pattern, $data['elements'])) {
    $elements = Yaml::decode($data['elements']);
    _webform_update_elements_clear_properties_recursive($elements, $properties);
    $data['elements'] = Yaml::encode($elements);