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function webform_drush_command in Webform 6.x

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.5 drush/ \webform_drush_command()
  2. 7.4 \webform_drush_command()

Implements hook_drush_command().

1 call to webform_drush_command()
WebformTestEditorialController::drush in tests/modules/webform_test_editorial/src/Controller/WebformTestEditorialController.php
Returns webform drush.


drush/, line 17


function webform_drush_command() {
  return array(
    'webform-export' => array(
      'description' => 'Exports webform submissions to a file.',
      'core' => array(
      'bootstrap' => 2,
      'arguments' => array(
        'webform' => 'The webform ID you want to export (required unless --entity-type and --entity-id are specified)',
      'options' => array(
        'exporter' => 'The type of export. (delimited, table, yaml, or json)',
        'delimiter' => 'Delimiter between columns (defaults to site-wide setting). This option may need to be wrapped in quotes. i.e. --delimiter="\\t".',
        'multiple-delimiter' => 'Delimiter between an element with multiple values (defaults to site-wide setting).',
        'file-name' => 'File name used to export submission and uploaded filed. You may use tokens.',
        'archive-type' => 'Archive file type for submission file uploadeds and generated records. (tar or zip)',
        'header-format' => 'Set to "label" (default) or "key"',
        'options-item-format' => 'Set to "label" (default) or "key". Set to "key" to print select list values by their keys instead of labels.',
        'options-single-format' => 'Set to "separate" (default) or "compact" to determine how single select list values are exported.',
        'options-multiple-format' => 'Set to "separate" (default) or "compact" to determine how multiple select list values are exported.',
        'entity-reference-items' => 'Comma-separated list of entity reference items (id, title, and/or url) to be exported.',
        'excluded-columns' => 'Comma-separated list of component IDs or webform keys to exclude.',
        'uuid' => ' Use UUIDs for all entity references. (Only applies to CSV download)',
        'entity-type' => 'The entity type to which this submission was submitted from.',
        'entity-id' => 'The ID of the entity of which this webform submission was submitted from.',
        'range-type' => 'Range of submissions to export: "all", "latest", "serial", "sid", or "date".',
        'range-latest' => 'Integer specifying the latest X submissions will be downloaded. Used if "range-type" is "latest" or no other range options are provided.',
        'range-start' => 'The submission ID or start date at which to start exporting.',
        'range-end' => 'The submission ID or end date at which to end exporting.',
        'uid' => 'The ID of the user who submitted the form.',
        'order' => 'The submission order "asc" (default) or "desc".',
        'state' => 'Submission state to be included: "completed", "draft" or "all" (default).',
        'sticky' => 'Flagged/starred submission status.',
        'files' => 'Download files: "1" or "0" (default). If set to 1, the exported CSV file and any submission file uploads will be download in a gzipped tar file.',
        'destination' => 'The full path and filename in which the CSV or archive should be stored. If omitted the CSV file or archive will be outputted to the command line.',
      'aliases' => array(
    'webform-import' => array(
      'description' => 'Imports webform submissions from a CSV file.',
      'core' => array(
      'bootstrap' => 2,
      'arguments' => array(
        'webform' => 'The webform ID you want to import (required unless --entity-type and --entity-id are specified)',
        'import_uri' => 'The path or URI for the CSV file to be imported.',
      'options' => array(
        'skip_validation' => 'Skip form validation.',
        'treat_warnings_as_errors' => 'Treat all warnings as errors.',
        'entity-type' => 'The entity type to which this submission was submitted from.',
        'entity-id' => 'The ID of the entity of which this webform submission was submitted from.',
      'aliases' => array(
    'webform-purge' => array(
      'description' => 'Purge webform submissions from the databases',
      'core' => array(
      'bootstrap' => 2,
      'arguments' => array(
        'webform_id' => 'A webform machine name. If not provided, user may choose from a list of names.',
      'options' => array(
        'all' => 'Flush all submissions',
        'entity-type' => 'The entity type for webform submissions to be purged',
        'entity-id' => 'The ID of the entity for webform submissions to be purged',
      'examples' => array(
        'drush webform-purge' => 'Pick a webform and then purge its submissions.',
        'drush webform-purge contact' => "Delete 'Contact' webform submissions.",
        'drush webform-purge --all' => 'Purge all webform submissions.',
      'aliases' => array(
    'webform-tidy' => array(
      'description' => 'Tidy export webform configuration files',
      'core' => array(
      'bootstrap' => 1,
      'options' => array(
        'dependencies' => 'Add module dependencies to installed webform and options configuration entities.',
        'prefix' => 'Prefix for file names to be tidied. (Defaults to webform)',
      'arguments' => array(
        'target' => 'The module (config/install), config directory (sync), or path (/some/path) that needs its YAML configuration files tidied. (Defaults to webform)',
      'examples' => array(
        'drush webform-tidy webform' => "Tidies YAML configuration files in 'webform/config' for the Webform module",
      'aliases' => array(
    'webform-libraries-status' => array(
      'description' => 'Displays the status of third party libraries required by the Webform module.',
      'core' => array(
      'bootstrap' => 1,
      'examples' => array(
        'webform-libraries-status' => 'Displays the status of third party libraries required by the Webform module.',
      'aliases' => array(
    'webform-libraries-composer' => array(
      'description' => "Generates the Webform module's composer.json with libraries as repositories.",
      'core' => array(
      'bootstrap' => 1,
      'options' => array(
        'disable-tls' => 'If set to true all HTTPS URLs will be tried with HTTP instead and no network level encryption is performed.',
      'examples' => array(
        'webform-libraries-composer' => "Generates the Webform module's composer.json with libraries as repositories.",
      'aliases' => array(
    'webform-libraries-download' => array(
      'description' => 'Download third party libraries required by the Webform module.',
      'core' => array(
      'bootstrap' => 1,
      'examples' => array(
        'webform-libraries-download' => 'Download third party libraries required by the Webform module.',
      'aliases' => array(
    'webform-libraries-remove' => array(
      'description' => 'Removes all downloaded third party libraries required by the Webform module.',
      'core' => array(
      'bootstrap' => 1,
      'examples' => array(
        'webform-libraries-remove' => 'Removes all downloaded third party libraries required by the Webform module.',
      'aliases' => array(
    'webform-generate' => array(
      'description' => 'Create submissions in specified webform.',
      'arguments' => array(
        'webform_id' => 'Webform id into which new submissions will be inserted.',
        'num' => 'Number of submissions to insert. Defaults to 50.',
      'options' => array(
        'kill' => 'Delete all submissions in specified webform before generating.',
        'feedback' => 'An integer representing interval for insertion rate logging. Defaults to 1000',
        'entity-type' => 'The entity type to which this submission was submitted from.',
        'entity-id' => 'The ID of the entity of which this webform submission was submitted from.',
      'aliases' => array(
    'webform-repair' => array(
      'description' => 'Makes sure all Webform admin configuration and webform settings are up-to-date.',
      'core' => array(
      'bootstrap' => 1,
      'examples' => array(
        'webform-repair' => 'Repairs admin configuration and webform settings are up-to-date.',
      'aliases' => array(
    'webform-remove-orphans' => array(
      'description' => "Removes orphaned submissions where the submission's webform was deleted.",
      'core' => array(
      'bootstrap' => 1,
      'examples' => array(
        'webform-remove-orphans' => "Removes orphaned submissions where the submission's webform was deleted.",
      'aliases' => array(
    'webform-docs' => array(
      'description' => 'Generates HTML documentation.',
      'core' => array(
      'bootstrap' => 1,
      'examples' => array(
        'webform-docs' => "Generates HTML documentation used by the Webform module's documentation pages.",
      'aliases' => array(
    'webform-composer-update' => array(
      'description' => "Updates the Drupal installation's composer.json to include the Webform module's selected libraries as repositories.",
      'core' => array(
      'bootstrap' => 1,
      'options' => array(
        'disable-tls' => 'If set to true all HTTPS URLs will be tried with HTTP instead and no network level encryption is performed.',
      'examples' => array(
        'webform-composer-update' => "Updates the Drupal installation's composer.json to include the Webform module's selected libraries as repositories.",
      'aliases' => array(
    'webform-generate-commands' => array(
      'description' => 'Generate Drush commands from for Drush 8.x to WebformCommands for Drush 9.x.',
      'core' => array(
      'bootstrap' => 2,
      'examples' => array(
        'drush webform-generate-commands' => 'Generate Drush commands from for Drush 8.x to WebformCommands for Drush 9.x.',
      'aliases' => array(