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function web_widgets_render_widget in Web Widgets 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 web_widgets.module \web_widgets_render_widget()

Renders a given content as a widget. This function returns the actual content of a widget wrapped in style specific markup.

Warning: you cannot use all styles. Exception is: uwa


$style: One of the widget styles returned by widgets_get_styles().

$content: Content to render as widget.

$add_target: If TRUE, the anchors tags will be modified so they will open in new window.

Return value

HTML wrapped in style specific markup.

1 call to web_widgets_render_widget()
web_widgets_plugin_display_web_widgets::render in views/
Instead of going through the standard views_view.tpl.php, delegate this to the style handler.


./web_widgets.module, line 100
web_widgets module main. Contains the views api hook and theming functions.


function web_widgets_render_widget($style, $content, $title, $add_target = TRUE, $scripts = array(), $styles = array()) {
  require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . web_widgets_get_style_inc($style);
  if ($add_target === TRUE) {
    $content = _web_widgets_rewrite_anchors($content);
  module_invoke_all('web_widgets_render_widget', $content, $title);
  return theme('web_widgets_' . $style . '_wrapper', array(
    'content' => $content,
    'title' => $title,
    'scripts' => $scripts,
    'styles' => $styles,