function web_widgets_get_style_inc in Web Widgets 6
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 7 web_widgets.module \web_widgets_get_style_inc()
Retrieve the path to a style include file.
$style: One of the widget styles returned by widgets_get_styles().
Return value
Path to widget style .inc file relative to Drupal's root directory.
5 calls to web_widgets_get_style_inc()
- web_widgets_get_styles in ./
web_widgets.module - Get a list of styles from the subdirectories.
- web_widgets_plugin_display_web_widgets::render in views/ - Instead of going through the standard views_view.tpl.php, delegate this to the style handler.
- web_widgets_render_embed_code in ./
web_widgets.module - Renders the embed code for a given widget style.
- web_widgets_render_widget in ./
web_widgets.module - Renders a given content as a widget. This function returns the actual content of a widget wrapped in style specific markup.
- web_widgets_theme in ./
web_widgets.module - Implementation of hook_theme().
- ./
web_widgets.module, line 140 - web_widgets module main. Contains the views api hook and theming functions.
function web_widgets_get_style_inc($style) {
return drupal_get_path('module', 'web_widgets') . '/' . $style . '/web_widgets_style_' . $style . '.inc';