function theme_web_widgets_embed_code in Web Widgets 6
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 7 web_widgets.module \theme_web_widgets_embed_code()
Shows the widget code to the user. Usually appears when the widget display is attached to a page display. In most cases you don't want to call this function directly, but use web_widgets_render_embed_code() to render embed code.
$code: The code that can be copy/pasted from this site to another site.
$style: The embed style of the widget.
Return value
HTML that displays the widget embed code.
1 theme call to theme_web_widgets_embed_code()
- web_widgets_render_embed_code in ./
web_widgets.module - Renders the embed code for a given widget style.
- ./
web_widgets.module, line 178 - web_widgets module main. Contains the views api hook and theming functions.
function theme_web_widgets_embed_code($code, $style) {
$styles = web_widgets_get_styles();
$style_name = $styles[$style];
static $num = 0;
$form = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => t('Embed code'),
'#description' => t('Copy and paste this code to your website.'),
'#id' => 'web_widgets_' . $num++,
'#name' => 'web_widgets',
'#value' => $code,
'#parents' => array(
'#maxlength' => FALSE,
if ($style == 'uwa') {
$form['#type'] = 'item';
$form['#value'] = l($code, $code);
$form['#title'] = t('@style widget', array(
'@style' => $style_name,
$form['#description'] = t('Embed your widget on NetVibes or iGoogle.');
else {
if ($style == 'google_gadget') {
$form['#title'] = t('@style widget', array(
'@style' => $style_name,
$form['#description'] = t('Copy and paste this code to your iGoogle page.');
return drupal_render($form);