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function theme_weather in Weather 5.6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5 weather.module \theme_weather()

Custom theme function for the weather block output

1 theme call to theme_weather()
weather_block in ./weather.module
Generate HTML for the weather block


./weather.module, line 300
Display <acronym title="METeorological Aerodrome Report">METAR</acronym> weather data from anywhere in the world


function theme_weather($config, $metar) {
  if ($config['settings']['show_compact_block']) {
    $content = '<p>';
    if (isset($metar['temperature'])) {
      $text = t('<strong>@name:</strong> !condition, !temperature');
    else {
      $text = t('<strong>@name:</strong> !condition');
    $content .= t($text, array(
      '@name' => $config['real_name'],
      '!condition' => _weather_format_condition($metar),
      '!temperature' => _weather_format_temperature($metar['temperature'], $config['units']),
    $content .= '</p>';
    return $content;
  $content = '<p><strong>' . check_plain($config['real_name']) . '</strong></p>';
  $image = _weather_get_image($metar);
  $condition = _weather_format_condition($metar);
  $content .= '<div style="text-align:center;"><img src="';
  $content .= $image['filename'];
  $content .= '" alt="' . $condition . '" ' . $image['size'];
  $content .= ' title="' . $condition . '" /></div>';
  $content .= '<ul><li>';
  $content .= $condition;
  $content .= '</li>';
  if (isset($metar['temperature'])) {
    $content .= '<li>';
    $content .= t('Temperature: !temperature', array(
      '!temperature' => _weather_format_temperature($metar['temperature'], $config['units']),
    $content .= '</li>';
  if (isset($metar['wind'])) {
    $content .= '<li>';
    $content .= t('Wind: !wind', array(
      '!wind' => _weather_format_wind($metar['wind'], $config['units'], $config['settings']),
    $content .= '</li>';
  if (isset($metar['pressure'])) {
    $content .= '<li>';
    $content .= t('Pressure: !pressure', array(
      '!pressure' => _weather_format_pressure($metar['pressure'], $config['units']),
    $content .= '</li>';
  if (isset($metar['temperature']) and isset($metar['dewpoint'])) {
    $content .= '<li>';
    $content .= t('Rel. Humidity: !rel_humidity', array(
      '!rel_humidity' => _weather_format_relative_humidity($metar['temperature'], $metar['dewpoint']),
    $content .= '</li>';
  if (isset($metar['visibility']['kilometers'])) {
    $content .= '<li>';
    $content .= t('Visibility: !visibility', array(
      '!visibility' => _weather_format_visibility($metar['visibility'], $config['units']),
    $content .= '</li>';
  if ($config['settings']['show_sunrise_sunset']) {

    // Check if there is a sunrise or sunset
    if ($metar['daytime']['no_sunrise']) {
      $content .= '<li>';
      $content .= t('No sunrise today');
      $content .= '</li>';
    else {
      if ($metar['daytime']['no_sunset']) {
        $content .= '<li>';
        $content .= t('No sunset today');
        $content .= '</li>';
      else {
        $text = gmdate('G:i T', $metar['daytime']['sunrise_on']);
        $content .= '<li>';
        $content .= t('Sunrise: !sunrise', array(
          '!sunrise' => $text,
        $content .= '</li>';
        $text = gmdate('G:i T', $metar['daytime']['sunset_on']);
        $content .= '<li>';
        $content .= t('Sunset: !sunset', array(
          '!sunset' => $text,
        $content .= '</li>';
  if (isset($metar['#raw']) and $config['settings']['show_unconverted_metar']) {
    $content .= '<li>';
    $content .= t('METAR data: !metar', array(
      '!metar' => '<pre>' . wordwrap($metar['#raw'], 20) . '</pre>',
    $content .= '</li>';
  $content .= '</ul>';

  // If this is displayed as location block, show information about
  // which METAR station has been used for weather data
  if (isset($config['distance'])) {
    $content .= '<small>';
    $content .= t('Location of this weather station:');
    $content .= '<br />' . _weather_format_closest_station($config['distance'], $config['units'], $config['settings']);
    $content .= '</small><br />';
  if (isset($metar['reported_on'])) {
    $content .= '<small>';
    $content .= t("Reported on:");
    $content .= '<br />' . format_date($metar['reported_on']);
    $content .= '</small>';
  return $content;