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function _weather_format_relative_humidity in Weather 5

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5.6 weather.module \_weather_format_relative_humidity()
  2. 6.5 weather.module \_weather_format_relative_humidity()

Calculate the relative humidity

The function uses celsius as input

1 call to _weather_format_relative_humidity()
theme_weather in ./weather.module
Custom theme function for the weather block output


./weather.module, line 833
Display <acronym title="METeorological Aerodrome Report">METAR</acronym> weather data from anywhere in the world


function _weather_format_relative_humidity($temperature, $dewpoint) {
  if (!isset($dewpoint)) {
    return t('No data');
  $e = 6.11 * pow(10, 7.5 * $dewpoint['celsius'] / (237.7 + $dewpoint['celsius']));
  $es = 6.11 * pow(10, 7.5 * $temperature['celsius'] / (237.7 + $temperature['celsius']));
  return max(0, min(100, round(100 * ($e / $es), 0))) . "%";