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Functions in Warden 7

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
drush_warden_check_connection ./ Test the connection to warden.
drush_warden_show_module_data ./ Prints out the details of the data that the will be reported to Warden.
drush_warden_update ./ Test the connection to warden.
warden_access_callback ./warden.module Access callback: Check authorized IP. 1
warden_add_site ./ Form submission callback. 1
warden_drush_command ./ Implements of hook_drush_command().
warden_form ./ Page callback: System settings settings. 1
warden_get_api ./warden.module
warden_help ./warden.module Implements hook_help().
warden_menu ./warden.module Implements hook_menu().
warden_requirements ./warden.install Implements hook_requirements().
warden_status_page ./ Page callback. 1
warden_uninstall ./warden.install Implements hook_uninstall().
warden_update_7100 ./warden.install Clear the menu cache so that the 'admin/reports/warden' path can be properly handled.
_warden_generate_site_data ./ Generate all the site's data for Warden. 2
_warden_get_local_token ./warden.module Get the local token or generate it if it is not set. 3
_warden_update_warden ./ Update Warden with latest site data. 2

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