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function _w3c_validator_validate_uri in W3C Validator 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 w3c_validator.module \_w3c_validator_validate_uri()

Validate a URI using the configured validator endpoint.


string $uri:

Return value


2 calls to _w3c_validator_validate_uri()
_w3c_validator_full_validation_operation in ./w3c_validator.module
Check and save the validation result of a URI.
_w3c_validator_uri_validator_form_submit in ./
Validate a uri and store the result.


./w3c_validator.module, line 215


function _w3c_validator_validate_uri($uri, $verbose = 0) {

  // Retrieve the validation method
  $method = variable_get('w3c_validator_method', 'w3c_markup_validator');

  // Retrieve full URI :
  $uri = url($uri, array(
    'absolute' => TRUE,

  // If php_tidy is not nabled on server,
  // switch to w3C_markup_validator anyway.
  $tidy_available = function_exists('tidy_get_output');
  if (!$tidy_available) {
    $method = 'w3c_markup_validator';

  // If the method to validate is W3C HTML Validator :
  if ($method == 'w3c_markup_validator') {
    $baseUrl = variable_get('w3c_validator_api_endpoint_uri', '');
    $validator = new W3CvalidatorAPI($baseUrl);
    $result = $validator
  if ($verbose) {
    if (!isset($result->uri)) {

      // If here : the process has failed due to misconfigurtion.
      drupal_set_message(t('An error has occured while validating this url (@url).', array(
        '@url' => $uri,
      )) . '<br/>' . t('Please check the following before retry : ') . '<br/><ul><li>' . t('is your URL correct ?') . '</li><li>' . t('is your server able to send external GET request ?') . '</li><li>' . t('is your server being a proxy - thus is this proxy setted in your server configuration ?') . '</li></ul>', 'error');
    else {
      if ($result->validity) {
        drupal_set_message(t('This page (@url) as been verified and is valid !', array(
          '@url' => $uri,
        )), 'status');
      else {
        drupal_set_message(t('This page (@url) as been verified but is invalid : @error_count errors, @warning_count warnings found !', array(
          '@url' => $uri,
          '@error_count' => $result->error_count,
          '@warning_count' => $result->warning_count,
        )), 'warning');
        drupal_set_message(t('You can view the validation errors in the <a href="@link-page">validator result page</a> or check <a href="@link-all">all site validations<a>.', array(
          '@link-page' => url('validator', array(
            'query' => array(
              'uri' => $uri,
          '@link-all' => url('admin/reports/w3c_validator'),
        )), 'warning');
  return $result;