w3c_validator_admin_settings |
./w3c_validator.pages.inc |
Module settings. |
1 |
w3c_validator_create_access_token |
./w3c_validator.module |
Create and store a token to allow access for the http request used for validation. |
1 |
w3c_validator_cron |
./w3c_validator.module |
Implementation of hook_cron(). |
w3c_validator_help |
./w3c_validator.module |
Implementation of hook_help(). |
w3c_validator_init |
./w3c_validator.module |
Implementation of hook_init(). |
w3c_validator_install |
./w3c_validator.install |
Implementation of hook_install(). |
w3c_validator_menu |
./w3c_validator.module |
Implementation of hook_menu(). |
w3c_validator_perm |
./w3c_validator.module |
Implementation of hook_perm(). |
w3c_validator_requirements |
./w3c_validator.module |
Implementation of hook_requirements(). |
w3c_validator_result_set_load |
./w3c_validator_site.module |
Load a result set object. |
1 |
w3c_validator_result_url_load |
./w3c_validator_site.module |
Load a result url object. |
w3c_validator_schema |
./w3c_validator.install |
Implementation of hook_schema(). |
w3c_validator_settings |
./w3c_validator_site.pages.inc |
Main settings form. |
w3c_validator_site_clean_results |
./w3c_validator_site.pages.inc |
Form to clean all validation results. |
1 |
w3c_validator_site_clean_results_submit |
./w3c_validator_site.pages.inc |
Clean all validation results. |
w3c_validator_site_content_validator |
./w3c_validator_site.pages.inc |
Main site validator form. |
1 |
w3c_validator_site_content_validator_submit |
./w3c_validator_site.pages.inc |
Create result set and set a batch of validation operations. |
w3c_validator_site_get_validation_batch |
./w3c_validator_site.module |
Creates a batch array from a result set to be used with the batch api. |
2 |
w3c_validator_site_help |
./w3c_validator_site.module |
Implementation of hook_help(). |
w3c_validator_site_install |
./w3c_validator_site.install |
Implementation of hook_install(). |
w3c_validator_site_menu |
./w3c_validator_site.module |
Implementation of hook_menu(). |
w3c_validator_site_perm |
./w3c_validator_site.module |
Implementation of hook_perm(). |
w3c_validator_site_repeat_validation_set |
./w3c_validator_site.pages.inc |
Form to repeat validation for an entire set. |
1 |
w3c_validator_site_repeat_validation_set_submit |
./w3c_validator_site.pages.inc |
Create a new result set cloned from the current one and batch process it. |
w3c_validator_site_result_sets_page |
./w3c_validator_site.pages.inc |
Page callback that displays all validation sets. |
1 |
w3c_validator_site_result_set_details_page |
./w3c_validator_site.pages.inc |
Page callback to display details for a result set. |
1 |
w3c_validator_site_result_url_page |
./w3c_validator_site.pages.inc |
Page callback to display results details for a url. |
1 |
w3c_validator_site_schema |
./w3c_validator_site.install |
Implementation of hook_schema(). |
w3c_validator_site_uninstall |
./w3c_validator_site.install |
Implementation of hook_uninstall(). |
w3c_validator_site_validate_nodes |
./w3c_validator_site.module |
Validate nodes. |
1 |
w3c_validator_site_validate_path |
./w3c_validator_site.module |
Validates a path and stores the results. |
2 |
w3c_validator_site_validate_views |
./w3c_validator_site.pages.inc |
Validate views page displays. |
1 |
w3c_validator_uninstall |
./w3c_validator.install |
Implementation of hook_uninstall(). |
w3c_validator_update_6100 |
./w3c_validator.install |
w3c_validator_validate_uri_form |
./w3c_validator.pages.inc |
Form where you enter a uri to validate. |
1 |
w3c_validator_validate_uri_form_submit |
./w3c_validator.pages.inc |
Validate the uri and store the result. |
w3c_validator_validate_uri_page |
./w3c_validator.pages.inc |
Page callback to validate an URI. |
1 |
_w3c_validator_get_validation_result |
./w3c_validator.module |
Get stored result. |
1 |
_w3c_validator_set_validation_result |
./w3c_validator.module |
Static storage for the result. |
3 |
_w3c_validator_site_batch_finish |
./w3c_validator_site.module |
Redirect the user to the validation results when the batch finishes. |
1 |
_w3c_validator_validate_uri |
./w3c_validator.module |
Validate a URI using the configured validator endpoint. |
3 |
_w3c_validator_validate_uri_tidy |
./w3c_validator.module |
Validate a url using tidy library method. |
_w3c_validator_validate_uri_w3c_markup_validator |
./w3c_validator.module |
Validate a url using w3c validator method. |