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function vvf_views_data in Views Variable Field 7

Implements hook_views_data().


./vvf.module, line 10
API and main hooks for Views Variable Field module.


function vvf_views_data() {
  $data['views']['variable'] = array(
    'title' => t('System variable'),
    'help' => t('Extracts a system variable and displays it as a Views field.'),
    'field' => array(
      'handler' => 'views_handler_field_variable',
  $data['views']['variable_compare'] = array(
    'title' => t('Field against variable comparison'),
    'help' => t('Compare database field against system variable.'),
    'filter' => array(
      'help' => t('Use field against variable comparison to filter the result of the view.'),
      'handler' => 'views_handler_filter_field_variable_compare',
  return $data;