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function bartik_vscc_element_sand_icons in Views Slideshow Configurable Controls 7

Theme function pointing to images.

Images may be kept anywhere. In this example they're in a subdirectory of the vsccnewskin module.


vsccnewskin/vsccnewskin.module, line 46
Example of a module implementing a new skin for VSCC.


function bartik_vscc_element_sand_icons($vars) {
  $image_vars = array(
    // 'path' => drupal_get_path('theme', 'bartik') . '/images/vscc/sand_' . $vars['element'] . '.png',
    'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'vsccnewskin') . '/images/vscc/sand_' . $vars['element'] . '.png',
    'alt' => t($vars['element']),
    'title' => t($vars['element']),
  return theme('image', $image_vars);