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function theme_vscc_control in Views Slideshow Configurable Controls 7

@file Views Slideshow Configurable Controls theme callbacks.

1 theme call to theme_vscc_control()
template_preprocess_vscc_controls in ./vscc.module
@TODO Use #attached and render array instead of drupal_add_*.


theme/, line 8
Views Slideshow Configurable Controls theme callbacks.


function theme_vscc_control($vars) {
  $id = 'vscc_controls_' . $vars['element'] . '_' . $vars['vss_id'];
  $vars['classes'][] = 'vscc_controls_' . $vars['element'];
  $output = '<span id="' . $id . '" class="' . implode(' ', $vars['classes']) . '">';
  $output .= '<a href="#!slide">';
  if ($vars['element'] == 'pause') {
    $output .= '<span class="vscc-pause">' . theme('vscc_element_' . $vars['skin'], $vars) . '</span>';
    $vars['element'] = 'resume';
    $output .= '<span class="vscc-resume vscc-disabled">' . theme('vscc_element_' . $vars['skin'], $vars) . '</span>';
  else {
    $output .= theme('vscc_element_' . $vars['skin'], $vars);
  $output .= '</a></span>';
  return $output;