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function hook_votingapi_storage_delete_votes in Voting API 7.2

Delete votes from the database.


$votes: An array of votes to delete. Minimally, each vote must have the 'vote_id' key set.

$vids: A list of the 'vote_id' values from $voes.

1 function implements hook_votingapi_storage_delete_votes()

Note: this list is generated by pattern matching, so it may include some functions that are not actually implementations of this hook.

votingapi_votingapi_storage_delete_votes in ./votingapi.module
Implements of hook_votingapi_storage_delete_votes().


./votingapi.api.php, line 146
Provides hook documentation for the VotingAPI module.


function hook_votingapi_storage_delete_votes($votes, $vids) {
    'vote_id' => array(
      '$in' => array_map('intval', $vids),