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function hook_votingapi_preset_votes in Voting API 7.2

Allows to act on votes before being inserted.


$votes: An array of votes, each with the following structure: $vote['entity_type'] (Optional, defaults to 'node') $vote['entity_id'] (Required) $vote['value_type'] (Optional, defaults to 'percent') $vote['value'] (Required) $vote['tag'] (Optional, defaults to 'vote') $vote['uid'] (Optional, defaults to current user) $vote['vote_source'] (Optional, defaults to current IP) $vote['timestamp'] (Optional, defaults to REQUEST_TIME)


./votingapi.api.php, line 205
Provides hook documentation for the VotingAPI module.


function hook_votingapi_preset_votes(&$votes) {
  foreach ($votes as $vote) {
    if ($vote['tag'] == 'recommend') {

      // Do something if the 'recommend' vote is being inserted.