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function votingapi_views_data_alter in Voting API 7.2

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  1. 8.3 \votingapi_views_data_alter()
  2. 6.2 views/ \votingapi_views_data_alter()
  3. 7.3 views/ \votingapi_views_data_alter()

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views/, line 296
Provide views data for votingapi.module.


function votingapi_views_data_alter(&$views_data) {

  // Add relationship handlers for both tables, for any base tables currently
  // available to Views.

  //Get all entity types in the system and register as relationship.
  $entity_types = entity_get_info();
  $default_relationships = array();
  foreach ($entity_types as $key => $entity_type) {
    if (isset($entity_type['base table'])) {
      $default_relationships[] = array(
        'description' => $entity_type['label'],
        'entity_type' => $key,
        'base_table' => $entity_type['base table'],
        'entity_id_column' => $entity_type['entity keys']['id'],
        'pseudo_vote' => 'votingapi_vote',
        // for legacy compatability w/RC1.
        'pseudo_cache' => 'votingapi_cache',
  foreach ($default_relationships as $data) {
    $pseudo = str_replace(array(
      ' ',
    ), '_', $data['entity_type'] . '_' . $data['entity_id_column']);
    $pseudo_vote = empty($data['pseudo_vote']) ? 'vapi_' . $pseudo : $data['pseudo_vote'];
    $pseudo_cache = empty($data['pseudo_cache']) ? 'vapic_' . $pseudo : $data['pseudo_cache'];
    $views_data[$data['base_table']][$pseudo_vote]['relationship'] = array(
      'title' => 'Votes',
      'help' => 'Votes cast by users on ' . $data['description'] . '.',
      'base' => 'votingapi_vote',
      'field' => 'entity_id',
      'relationship field' => $data['entity_id_column'],
      'handler' => 'votingapi_views_handler_relationship',
      'extra' => array(
          'field' => 'entity_type',
          'value' => $data['entity_type'],
          'numeric' => FALSE,
    $views_data[$data['base_table']][$pseudo_cache]['relationship'] = array(
      'title' => 'Vote results',
      'help' => 'Aggregate results of votes cast on ' . $data['description'] . '.',
      'base' => 'votingapi_cache',
      'field' => 'entity_id',
      'relationship field' => $data['entity_id_column'],
      'handler' => 'votingapi_views_handler_relationship',
      'extra' => array(
          'field' => 'entity_type',
          'value' => $data['entity_type'],
          'numeric' => FALSE,