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public function VoteResultFunctionManager::recalculateResults in Voting API 8.3

Recalculates the aggregate voting results of all votes for a given entity.

Loads all votes for a given piece of content, then calculates and caches the aggregate vote results. This is only intended for modules that have assumed responsibility for the full voting cycle: the votingapi_set_vote() function recalculates automatically.


string $entity_type_id: A string identifying the type of content being rated. Node, comment, aggregator item, etc.

string $entity_id: The key ID of the content being rated.

string $vote_type: The type of vote cast.


src/VoteResultFunctionManager.php, line 115


Manages vote result plugins.




public function recalculateResults($entity_type_id, $entity_id, $vote_type) {
    ->condition('entity_type', $entity_type_id)
    ->condition('entity_id', $entity_id)
    ->condition('type', $vote_type)
  $vote_storage = $this->entityTypeManager
  $vote_ids = $vote_storage
    ->condition('entity_type', $entity_type_id)
    ->condition('entity_id', $entity_id)
    ->condition('type', $vote_type)
  if (!empty($vote_ids)) {
    $votes = [];
    $vote_type = '';
    foreach ($vote_ids as $vote_id) {
      $vote = $vote_storage

      // Votes are sorted by vote type, so when we hit a new type, we can run
      // find the results of the current set and then start over.
      if (!empty($vote_type) && $vote_type != $vote
        ->bundle()) {
        $vote_type = $vote
        $votes = [];
      $votes[] = $vote;

    // Still one last set to process.