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namespace Drupal\votingapi in Voting API 8.3

Classsort descending Location Description
VoteAccessControlHandler src/VoteAccessControlHandler.php Defines the access control handler for the vote entity type.
VoteInterface src/VoteInterface.php Provides an interface defining a vote entity.
VoteResultAccessControlHandler src/VoteResultAccessControlHandler.php Defines the access control handler for the vote entity type.
VoteResultFunctionBase src/VoteResultFunctionBase.php Base class for plugins which provide a function to compute the vote result.
VoteResultFunctionInterface src/VoteResultFunctionInterface.php Provides an interface for a VoteResultFunction plugin.
VoteResultFunctionManager src/VoteResultFunctionManager.php Manages vote result plugins.
VoteResultInterface src/VoteResultInterface.php Provides an interface defining a vote entity.
VoteResultStorage src/VoteResultStorage.php Storage class for vote entities.
VoteResultStorageInterface src/VoteResultStorageInterface.php Defines an interface for vote entity storage classes.
VoteStorage src/VoteStorage.php Storage class for vote entities.
VoteStorageInterface src/VoteStorageInterface.php Defines an interface for vote entity storage classes.
VoteTypeAccessControlHandler src/VoteTypeAccessControlHandler.php Defines the access control handler for the vote type entity type.
VoteTypeForm src/VoteTypeForm.php Form controller for vote type forms.
VoteTypeInterface src/VoteTypeInterface.php Provides an interface defining a vote type entity.
VoteTypeListBuilder src/VoteTypeListBuilder.php Defines a class to build a listing of vote type entities.