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Functions in Voting API 6

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
votingapi_add_results ./votingapi.module Save a single vote result to the database. 1
votingapi_add_votes ./votingapi.module Save a single vote to the database. 1
votingapi_cron ./votingapi.module Implementation of hook_cron. Allows db-intensive recalculations to put off until cron-time.
votingapi_current_user_identifier ./votingapi.module Generate a proper identifier for the current user: if they have an account, return their UID. Otherwise, return their IP address. 1
votingapi_delete_results ./votingapi.module Delete cached vote results from the database. 1
votingapi_delete_votes ./votingapi.module Delete votes from the database. 1
votingapi_get_formatters ./ 1
votingapi_handler_filter_uid_voted ./ 1
votingapi_handler_filter_value ./ 1
votingapi_init ./votingapi.module Implementation of hook_init. Loads the Views integration code.
votingapi_install ./votingapi.install
votingapi_menu ./votingapi.module Implementation of hook_menu. Adds the url path for the votingapi settings page.
votingapi_perm ./votingapi.module Implementation of hook_perm
votingapi_recalculate_results ./votingapi.module Loads all votes for a given piece of content, then calculates and caches the aggregate vote results. This is only intended for modules that have assumed responsibility for the full voting cycle: the votingapi_set_vote() function recalculates… 2
votingapi_select_results ./votingapi.module Select cached vote results from the database. 1
votingapi_select_single_result_value ./votingapi.module Simple wrapper function for votingapi_select_results. Returns the value of the first result matching the criteria passed in.
votingapi_select_single_vote_value ./votingapi.module Simple wrapper function for votingapi_select_votes. Returns the value of the first vote matching the criteria passed in.
votingapi_select_votes ./votingapi.module Select individual votes from the database. 3
votingapi_settings_form ./votingapi.module 1
votingapi_set_vote ./votingapi.module Cast a vote on a particular piece of content. If a vote already exists, its value is changed. In most cases, this is the function that should be used by external modules.
votingapi_uninstall ./votingapi.install
votingapi_update_1 ./votingapi.install UTF8 update
votingapi_update_2 ./votingapi.install Value fields changed to signed floats.
votingapi_update_3 ./votingapi.install Value fields changed to signed floats.
votingapi_update_4 ./votingapi.install Initial work to roll Voting Actions functionality into Voting API.
votingapi_update_5 ./votingapi.install Fixed index definition, corrected table prefixes.
votingapi_update_6 ./votingapi.install
votingapi_update_7 ./votingapi.install
votingapi_update_8 ./votingapi.install
votingapi_update_9 ./votingapi.install
votingapi_views_formatter_cleaned ./
votingapi_views_formatter_raw ./
votingapi_views_handler_field_username ./ 1
votingapi_views_qhandler_currentuser_vote ./
votingapi_views_tables ./
_votingapi_prep_vote ./votingapi.module Populate the value of any unset vote properties. 2
_votingapi_query ./votingapi.module 3
_votingapi_query_builder ./votingapi.module 1
_votingapi_update_6001 ./votingapi.install
_votingapi_views_values ./ 1

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