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function vud_widget_proxy in Vote Up/Down 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.3 \vud_widget_proxy()
  2. 6.2 \vud_widget_proxy()
  3. 7.2 \vud_widget_proxy()

Proxy widget function that hook_theme() calls.

1 string reference to 'vud_widget_proxy'
vud_theme in ./
Implementation of hook_theme().


./, line 131
Theme functions


function vud_widget_proxy($variables) {
  global $user;
  $plugin = vud_widget_get($variables['widget_theme']);
  if (empty($plugin) || empty($plugin['widget template'])) {
  $variables += array(
    'widget_message_code' => VUD_WIDGET_MESSAGE_ERROR,
    'readonly' => FALSE,
    'plugin' => $plugin,
    'tag' => variable_get('vud_tag', 'vote'),
    'id' => 'widget-' . $variables['type'] . '-' . $variables['entity_id'],
    'link_class_up' => 'vud-link-up',
    'link_class_down' => 'vud-link-down',
    'link_class_reset' => 'vud-link-reset',
    'link_up' => '',
    'link_down' => '',
    'class_up' => 'up-active',
    'class_down' => 'down-active',
    'class_reset' => 'reset-inactive',
    'show_links' => FALSE,
    'show_reset' => FALSE,
    'show_up_as_link' => FALSE,
    'show_down_as_link' => FALSE,
    'reset_long_text' => t('Reset your vote'),
    'reset_short_text' => t('(reset)'),
  $type = $variables['type'];
  $entity_id = $variables['entity_id'];
  $tag = $variables['tag'];
  $widget_theme = $variables['widget_theme'];
  $readonly = $variables['readonly'];
  drupal_add_library('system', 'drupal.ajax');

  // TODO: Move this to vud-comment.
  if ($type == 'comment') {
    drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'vud_comment') . '/vud_comment.css');

  // Search and add media files.
  vud_add_files('css', $plugin);
  vud_add_files('js', $plugin);
  $user_vote = 0;

  // Define access per operation, for example when the vote up operation is
  // active this means the down operation should be allowed, as the up vote was
  // already.
  $up_access = $down_access = $reset_access = FALSE;
  if (user_access('use vote up/down')) {
    $criteria = array(
      'entity_type' => $type,
      'entity_id' => $entity_id,
      'tag' => $variables['tag'],
    ) + votingapi_current_user_identifier();
    $previous_vote = votingapi_select_single_vote_value($criteria);
    $user_vote = isset($previous_vote) ? $previous_vote : 0;
    if (!$readonly) {
      $up_access = $user_vote <= 0;
      $down_access = $user_vote >= 0;
      $reset_access = $user_vote != 0 && vud_access_callback('reset vote up/down votes', $type, $entity_id, NULL, $tag);
      if (!$up_access && !$down_access) {

        // Although implementing modules have requested a not readonly widget,
        // we prevent access.
        $readonly = $variables['readonly'] = TRUE;

  // Prepare links only if it's not readonly, or if readonly but we need to show
  // a messgae on deny.
  $message_on_deny = variable_get('vud_message_on_deny', FALSE);
  if (!$readonly || $readonly && $message_on_deny) {

    // Widget needs to show links.
    if ($up_access) {
      $variables['class_up'] = 'up-inactive';
      $variables['show_up_as_link'] = TRUE;
    if ($down_access) {
      $variables['class_down'] = 'down-inactive';
      $variables['show_down_as_link'] = TRUE;
    if ($reset_access) {
      $variables['show_reset'] = TRUE;
      $variables['class_reset'] = 'reset-active';
    $variables['show_links'] = TRUE;
  if (!$readonly) {

    // Widget has link(s).
    if ($up_access) {
      $token_up = drupal_get_token("vote/{$type}/{$entity_id}/1/{$tag}/{$widget_theme}");
      $variables['link_up'] = url("vote/{$type}/{$entity_id}/1/{$tag}/{$widget_theme}/{$token_up}/nojs");
      $variables['link_class_up'] .= ' use-ajax';
    if ($down_access) {
      $token_down = drupal_get_token("vote/{$type}/{$entity_id}/-1/{$tag}/{$widget_theme}");
      $variables['link_down'] = url("vote/{$type}/{$entity_id}/-1/{$tag}/{$widget_theme}/{$token_down}/nojs");
      $variables['link_class_down'] .= ' use-ajax';
    if ($reset_access) {
      $token_reset = drupal_get_token("votereset/{$type}/{$entity_id}/{$tag}/{$widget_theme}");
      $variables['link_reset'] = url("votereset/{$type}/{$entity_id}/{$tag}/{$widget_theme}/{$token_reset}");
      $variables['link_class_reset'] .= ' use-ajax';
  elseif ($readonly && $message_on_deny) {

    // Readonly widget, but with a deny messgae.
    if ($up_access) {
      $variables['link_class_up'] .= ' denied ctools-use-modal';
    else {
      $variables['link_class_down'] .= ' denied ctools-use-modal';
    if ($up_access || $down_access) {
      $variables['link_class_reset'] .= ' denied ctools-use-modal';

    // TODO: Get default $widget_message_code or one from $variables.
    $widget_message_code = VUD_WIDGET_MESSAGE_DENIED;
    $variables['link_up'] = url(sprintf('vud/nojs/denied/%d', $widget_message_code));
    $variables['link_down'] = url(sprintf('vud/nojs/denied/%d', $widget_message_code));
    $variables['link_reset'] = url(sprintf('vud/nojs/denied/%d', $widget_message_code));
  else {

    // Readonly widget.
    $variables['link_up'] = '#';
    $variables['link_down'] = '#';
    $variables['link_reset'] = '#';
  $result_criteria = array(
    'entity_type' => $type,
    'entity_id' => $entity_id,
    'value_type' => 'points',
    'tag' => $tag,
    'function' => 'sum',
  $raw_points = votingapi_select_single_result_value($result_criteria);
  $variables['raw_points'] = $raw_points;
  $vote_result = (int) $raw_points;
  $criteria = array(
    'entity_type' => $type,
    'entity_id' => $entity_id,
    'value_type' => 'points',
    'tag' => $tag,
    'function' => 'count',
  $vote_count = (int) votingapi_select_single_result_value($criteria);
  $variables['vote_count'] = $vote_count;
  $variables['unsigned_points'] = $vote_result;
  if ($vote_result > 0) {
    $variables['class'] = 'positive';
    $variables['points'] = '+' . $vote_result;
  else {
    $variables['points'] = $vote_result;
    if ($vote_result < 0) {
      $variables['class'] = 'negative';
    else {
      $variables['class'] = 'neutral';
  $variables['vote_label'] = format_plural(abs($vote_result), 'vote', 'votes');
  $template_file = vud_pseudo_theming($type, 'widget', $plugin, $variables);
  return $plugin['render function']($template_file, $variables);