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vote_up_down_points_alt.tpl.php in Vote Up/Down 6


This template handles voting points output for alternative voting widget. Available variables:

  • $points: points in +1 or -1 format;
  • $label: translated points label without numbers ("point" or "points");
  • $points_labelled: translated points label with numbers ("1 point" or "N points");
  • $class: "positive", "negarive" or "neutral" regarding the points amout;
  • $cid: $node->nid or $comment->cid;


View source

 * @file vote_up_down_points_alt.tpl.php
 * This template handles voting points output for alternative voting widget. Available variables:
 * - $points: points in +1 or -1 format;
 * - $label: translated points label without numbers ("point" or "points");
 * - $points_labelled: translated points label with numbers ("1 point" or "N points");
 * - $class: "positive", "negarive" or "neutral" regarding the points amout;
 * - $cid: $node->nid or $comment->cid;
<div id="vote_points_<?php

print $cid;
?>" class="vote-points"><div class="<?php

print $class;

print $points;
?><div class="vote-points-label"><?php

print $label;