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Files in Vote Up/Down 6.3

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File namesort descending Location Namespace Description
alternate.css widgets/alternate/alternate.css /* Alternate widget CSS files */ .vud-widget-alternate { float: left; clear: left; padding: 0; margin: 5px 6px 1px 0; width: 50px; height: 54px; } .vud-widget-alternate .up-active, .vud-widget-alternate .up-inactive { … widgets/alternate/ Alternate VUD Widget.
plain.css widgets/plain/plain.css .vud-widget-plain { float: left; clear: left; padding: 2px; margin: 2px 5px 0 0; border: 1px solid #ccc; width: 15px; height: 32px; } .vud-widget-plain .up-active, .vud-widget-plain .up-inactive, .vud-widget-plain… widgets/plain/ Plain VUD Widget.
README.txt README.txt = Vote Up/Down = == Overview == This module will let you make votes on some entities inside drupal with different widgets, by using Voting API and its some submodules: vud_node, vud_comment and vud_term. AJAX functionality, provided by ctools, is…
thumbs.css widgets/thumbs/thumbs.css .vud-widget-thumbs { margin: 5px 10px; position: relative; float: left; } .vud-widget-thumbs p { margin: 0; } .vud-widget-thumbs a.vud-link-up span, .vud-widget-thumbs a.vud-link-down span { text-decoration: none; margin-right:… widgets/thumbs/ Thumbs widget.
upanddown.css widgets/upanddown/upanddown.css .vud-widget-upanddown { margin: 5px 10px; position: relative; float: left; } .vud-widget-upanddown a.vud-link-up span, .vud-widget-upanddown a.vud-link-down span { text-decoration: none; margin-right: 7px; } .vud-widget-upanddown .up-score… widgets/upanddown/ Up Down Widget.
updown.css widgets/updown/updown.css .vud-widget-updown { width: 50px; float: left; padding: 0 0.7em 0 0; } .vud-widget-updown a:hover { text-decoration: none; } .vud-widget-updown .updown-score { border: 1px solid #ccc; color: #000; font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold; … widgets/updown/ Up Down Widget.
votes.tpl.php widgets/plain/votes.tpl.php votes.tpl.php
vud.api.php vud.api.php This file contains module hooks for users of Vote Up/down. name = Vote Up/Down description = "Provides a configurable up/down voting widget for other modules to use." dependencies[] = votingapi dependencies[] = ctools package = Voting core = 6.x
vud.install vud.install Install, update and uninstall functions for the Vote Up/Down core module.
vud.module vud.module
vud.test vud.test Test file for Vote Up/Down. Theme functions
vud_comment.css vud_comment/vud_comment.css div.vud-comment-dimmed { filter:alpha(opacity=50); -ms-filter:"alpha(opacity=50)"; -moz-opacity:0.5; -khtml-opacity: 0.5; opacity: 0.5; } div.vud-comment-dimmed:hover { filter:alpha(opacity=100); … vud_comment/ name = Vote Up/Down Comments description = "Allows adding an up/down voting widget to comments." dependencies[] = comment dependencies[] = vud package = Voting core = 6.x
vud_comment.install vud_comment/vud_comment.install Install, update and uninstall functions for the Vote Up/Down Comment module.
vud_comment.module vud_comment/vud_comment.module Adds a voting widget to comments.
vud_comment.test vud_comment/vud_comment.test Test file for Vote Up/Down Comment. vud_comment/views/ Provide views data and handlers for vud_comment.module vud_comment/views/ Provide a handler for Vote Up/down widget field for comments.
vud_node.api.php vud_node/vud_node.api.php vud_node/ name = Vote Up/Down Nodes description = "Allows adding an up/down voting widget to selected content types." dependencies[] = vud package = Voting core = 6.x
vud_node.install vud_node/vud_node.install Install, update and uninstall functions for the Vote Up/Down Node module.
vud_node.module vud_node/vud_node.module Adds a voting widget to nodes.
vud_node.test vud_node/vud_node.test Test file for Vote Up/Down Node. vud_node/views/ Provide views data and handlers for vud_node.module vud_node/views/ Provide a handler for Vote Up/down widget field for nodes. vud_term/ name = Vote Up/Down Terms description = "Allows adding an up/down voting widget to taxonomy terms on a node." dependencies[] = taxonomy dependencies[] = vud package = Voting core = 6.x
vud_term.install vud_term/vud_term.install Install, update and uninstall functions for the Vote Up/Down Term module.
vud_term.module vud_term/vud_term.module Adds a voting widget to terms.
vud_term.test vud_term/vud_term.test Test file for Vote Up/Down Term. vud_term/views/ Provide views data and handlers for vud_term.module vud_term/views/ Provide a handler for Vote Up/down widget field for terms.
widget.tpl.php widgets/updown/widget.tpl.php widget.tpl.php
widget.tpl.php widgets/plain/widget.tpl.php widget.tpl.php
widget.tpl.php widgets/alternate/widget.tpl.php widget.tpl.php
widget.tpl.php widgets/upanddown/widget.tpl.php widget.tpl.php
widget.tpl.php widgets/thumbs/widget.tpl.php Template for thumbs widget.
WIDGETAPI.txt WIDGETAPI.txt = Widget API - Vote Up/Down = Vote Up/Down has its own widget API that allows site implementors and designers to easily use their own widget themes. Its easy as 1-2-3! Your widgets can be in a module or even in your theme. This functionallity…

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