class HighchartsHandler in Visualization API 7
@file Library plugin for Visualization implementing support for Highcharts.
- class \HighchartsHandler implements VisualizationHandlerInterface
Expanded class hierarchy of HighchartsHandler
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plugins/, line 7 - Library plugin for Visualization implementing support for Highcharts.
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class HighchartsHandler implements VisualizationHandlerInterface {
protected $addedJavascript = FALSE;
protected $available = FALSE;
* Constructor for the Highcharts plugin.
public function __construct() {
if (module_exists('libraries')) {
module_load_include('module', 'libraries', 'libraries');
$path = libraries_get_path('highcharts');
$this->available = is_dir('./' . $path);
* Renders a chart using Highcharts.
public function render($chart_id, $data, $options) {
// Chart options.
$highchart = new stdClass();
// Chart.
$highchart->chart = (object) array(
'plotBackgroundColor' => NULL,
'plotBorderWidth' => NULL,
'plotShadow' => FALSE,
// Set title.
$highchart->title = new stdClass();
$highchart->title->text = $options['title'];
$x_axis = array();
if (!empty($options['xAxis']['labelField'])) {
foreach ($data as $row) {
$x_axis[] = html_entity_decode((string) $row[$options['xAxis']['labelField']], ENT_QUOTES);
if (!empty($x_axis)) {
$highchart->xAxis = (object) array(
'categories' => $x_axis,
if (!empty($options['yAxis']['title'])) {
$highchart->yAxis = (object) array(
'title' => (object) array(
'text' => $options['yAxis']['title'],
// Series.
$highchart->series = array();
foreach ($options['fields'] as $name => $column) {
if (!empty($column['enabled'])) {
$serie = new stdClass();
$serie->name = $column['label'];
$serie->type = $options['type'];
$serie->data = array();
foreach ($data as $row) {
$value = (int) $row[$name];
if (!empty($column['enabled'])) {
$serie->data[] = (object) array(
'name' => (string) html_entity_decode($row[$options['xAxis']['labelField']], ENT_QUOTES),
'y' => $value,
else {
$serie->data[] = $value;
$highchart->series[] = $serie;
$highchart->plotOptions = new stdClass();
$highchart->plotOptions->pie = (object) array(
'allowPointSelect' => TRUE,
'cursor' => 'pointer',
'dataLabels' => (object) array(
'enabled' => TRUE,
'showInLegend' => TRUE,
$highchart->plotOptions->bar = (object) array(
'dataLabels' => (object) array(
'enabled' => TRUE,
$highchart->credits = new stdClass();
$highchart->credits->enabled = FALSE;
// Rendering.
$highchart->chart->renderTo = $chart_id;
$information = array(
'library' => 'highcharts',
'options' => $highchart,
// Add Drupal.settings for this chart.
'visualization' => array(
$chart_id => $information,
), array(
'type' => 'setting',
* Includes global Javascript required by Highcharts.
public function postRender() {
if (!$this->addedJavascript) {
module_load_include('module', 'libraries', 'libraries');
$path = libraries_get_path('highcharts');
drupal_add_js($path . '/js/highcharts.js');
drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'visualization') . '/js/highcharts.js', array(
'scope' => 'footer',
$this->addedJavascript = TRUE;
* Whether or not the plugin is avialable.
public function available() {
return $this->available;
* Returns an array with supported chart types.
public function supportedTypes() {
return array(
Name![]() |
Modifiers | Type | Description | Overrides |
HighchartsHandler:: |
protected | property | ||
HighchartsHandler:: |
protected | property | ||
HighchartsHandler:: |
public | function |
Whether or not the plugin is avialable. Overrides VisualizationHandlerInterface:: |
HighchartsHandler:: |
public | function |
Includes global Javascript required by Highcharts. Overrides VisualizationHandlerInterface:: |
HighchartsHandler:: |
public | function |
Renders a chart using Highcharts. Overrides VisualizationHandlerInterface:: |
HighchartsHandler:: |
public | function |
Returns an array with supported chart types. Overrides VisualizationHandlerInterface:: |
HighchartsHandler:: |
public | function | Constructor for the Highcharts plugin. |