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function hook_visual_select_file_results_alter in Visual select file 7

Implements hook_visual_select_file_results_alter().

$results contains:

  • 'results' -- a 2D array with array($fid, $path, $name and $original).

$context contains:

  • 'view' -- the full View object, with raw results etc.
  • 'field' -- the 'vsf_field' string from $_GET, with format 'entity_type.bundle.field_name'
1 function implements hook_visual_select_file_results_alter()

Note: this list is generated by pattern matching, so it may include some functions that are not actually implementations of this hook.

vsf_manualcrop_visual_select_file_results_alter in submodules/vsf_manualcrop/vsf_manualcrop.module
Implements hook_visual_select_file_results_alter().
1 invocation of hook_visual_select_file_results_alter()
visual_select_file_preprocess_views_view in ./visual_select_file.module
Implements template_preprocess_views_view().


./visual_select_file.api.php, line 32


function hook_visual_select_file_results_alter(&$results, $context) {