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public function ViewsResultTreeValues::setTreeValues in Views tree 8.2

Sets tree values given a view and result set.


\Drupal\views\ViewExecutable $view: The view object.

\Drupal\views\ResultRow[] $result: The result set.

Return value

array The result.


src/ViewsResultTreeValues.php, line 29


Methods to get result tree based on views results.




public function setTreeValues(ViewExecutable $view, array $result) {
  $fields = $view->field;
  $options = $view
  $parents = [];
  if (!$fields[$options['main_field']] instanceof FieldPluginBase) {
      ->t('Main field is invalid: %field', [
      '%field' => $options['main_field'],
    ]), 'error');
    return [];
  if (!$fields[$options['parent_field']] instanceof FieldPluginBase) {
      ->t('Parent field is invalid: %field', [
      '%field' => $options['parent_field'],
    ]), 'error');
    return [];

  // The field structure of Field API fields in a views result object is...
  // ridiculous. To avoid having to deal with it, we'll first iterate over all
  // records and normalize out the main and parent IDs to new properties. That
  // vastly simplifies the code that follows. This particular magic
  // incantation extracts the value from each record for the appropriate field
  // specified by the user. It then normalizes that value down to just an int,
  // even though in some cases it is an array. See views_tree_normalize_key().
  // Finally, we build up a list of all main keys in the result set so that we
  // can normalize top-level records below.
  foreach ($result as $i => $record) {
    $result[$i]->views_tree_main = $this
      ->getValue($record), $fields[$options['main_field']]);
    $result[$i]->views_tree_parent = $this
      ->getValue($record), $fields[$options['parent_field']]);
    $parents[] = $record->views_tree_main;

  // Normalize the top level of records to all point to 0 as their parent
  // We only have to do this once, so we do it here in the wrapping function.
  foreach ($result as $i => $record) {
    if (!in_array($record->views_tree_parent, $parents)) {
      $result[$i]->views_tree_parent = 0;

  // Add the depth onto the result.
  foreach ($result as $row) {
    $current_row = $row;
    $depth = 0;
    while ($current_row->views_tree_parent != '0') {
      if ($parent_row = $this
        ->findRowByParent($result, $current_row->views_tree_parent)) {
        $current_row = $parent_row;
      else {
    $row->views_tree_depth = $depth;
  return $result;