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function views_timelinejs_library_info_alter in Views TimelineJS integration 8.3

Implements hook_library_info_alter().

Provides backward compatibility for sites that originally installed version 8.x-3.0 which gave the TimelineJS CSS libraries a weight of "theme."

@todo Remove this in the next major version.

See also


./views_timelinejs.module, line 63
Views TimelineJS API, theming, libraries, etc.


function views_timelinejs_library_info_alter(&$libraries, $extension) {
  $config = \Drupal::config('views_timelinejs.settings');
  $library_group = $config
  $valid_groups = [

  // Verify that the group has been set and that it is a valid group key.
  if ($extension == 'views_timelinejs' && isset($library_group) && in_array($library_group, $valid_groups)) {
    $libraries['timelinejs.cdn']['css'] = [
      $library_group => [
        '' => [
          'type' => 'external',
    $libraries['timelinejs.local']['css'] = [
      $library_group => [
        '/libraries/TimelineJS3/compiled/css/timeline.css' => [],
    foreach (array_keys(_views_timelinejs_list_font_sets()) as $set) {
      $libraries['timelinejs.' . $set . '.cdn']['css'] = [
        $library_group => [
          '' . $set . '.css' => [
            'type' => 'external',
      $libraries['timelinejs.' . $set . '.local']['css'] = [
        $library_group => [
          '/libraries/TimelineJS3/compiled/css/fonts/font.' . $set . '.css' => [],