function views_timelinejs_get_timezone in Views TimelineJS integration 7
Returns the currently logged-in user's timezone.
Return value
string The name of the currently logged-in user's timezone.
1 call to views_timelinejs_get_timezone()
- views_timelinejs_date_source_post_date_conversion in plugins/
date_sources/ - Converts post date formats, forces TimelineJS to ignore browser TZ.
- ./
views_timelinejs.module, line 103 - Views TimelineJS API, theming, libraries, etc.
function views_timelinejs_get_timezone() {
global $user;
if (variable_get('configurable_timezones', 1) && $user->uid && drupal_strlen($user->timezone)) {
return $user->timezone;
else {
return variable_get('date_default_timezone', NULL);