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function _views_summarize_get_summary_output in Views Summarize 7.2

Gets the prefix and suffix for a summary's output, if they exist.


string $result: The calculated summary.

array $options: The options element of the variables array that is passed into the summary theme function.

Return value

array The prefix and suffix in an associative array.

5 calls to _views_summarize_get_summary_output()
theme_views_summarize_type_average in ./views_summarize.module
Themes the average of the values in the column.
theme_views_summarize_type_count in ./views_summarize.module
Themes the count of values in the column.
theme_views_summarize_type_range in ./views_summarize.module
Themes the minimum and maximum values in the column.
theme_views_summarize_type_total in ./views_summarize.module
Themes the total of the values in the column.
theme_views_summarize_type_unique in ./views_summarize.module
Themes the number of unique values in the column.


./views_summarize.module, line 610
Provides a views display that outputs summaries of the values in a table.


function _views_summarize_get_summary_output($result, array $options) {
  $prefix_suffix = array(
    'prefix' => '',
    'suffix' => '',
  if (!empty($options['views_style_options']['prefix'])) {
    $prefix_suffix['prefix'] = $options['views_style_options']['prefix'];
  if (!empty($options['views_style_options']['suffix'])) {
    $prefix_suffix['suffix'] = $options['views_style_options']['suffix'];
  return $prefix_suffix['prefix'] . $result . $prefix_suffix['suffix'];