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Files in Views Slideshow Xtra 7.3

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example_markup.htm views_slideshow_xtra_example/example_markup/example_markup.htm
README.txt README.txt README.txt for the Views Slideshow Xtra (VSX) Module Important ========= If you are implementing this module for the first time, you should use the sub-module called "views_slideshow_xtra_overlay" instead, and not use (and do not enable)…
README.txt views_slideshow_xtra_overlay/README.txt README.txt for the Views Slideshow Xtra (VSX) Module IMPORTANT NOTE: In 7.x-3.5, the element id for the overlay container has been changed to be compliant with Drupal/CSS standards for CSS class/id names, it is now something like: <div id =…
README.txt views_slideshow_xtra_example/README.txt README.txt for the Views Slideshow Xtra Example Module This module creates working example Slideshow having multiple overlays. When the module is enabled, it creates an example Slide Content Type and default Slideshow View. To generate example…
views-slideshow-xtra-image.tpl.php theme/views-slideshow-xtra-image.tpl.php Template to display a Views Slideshow Xtra image element.
views-slideshow-xtra-link.tpl.php theme/views-slideshow-xtra-link.tpl.php Template to display a Views Slideshow Xtra link element.
views-slideshow-xtra-overlay-row.tpl.php views_slideshow_xtra_overlay/theme/views-slideshow-xtra-overlay-row.tpl.php
views-slideshow-xtra-overlay.tpl.php views_slideshow_xtra_overlay/theme/views-slideshow-xtra-overlay.tpl.php
views-slideshow-xtra-text.tpl.php theme/views-slideshow-xtra-text.tpl.php Template to display a Views Slideshow Xtra text element.
views_slideshow_xtra.css views_slideshow_xtra.css /** * Views Slideshow Xtra CSS. */ .views-slideshow-xtra-wrapper { z-index: 50; position: absolute; } .views-slideshow-xtra-row { display: none; min-height: 10px; } .views-slideshow-xtra-element { position: absolute; } name = "Views Slideshow Xtra" description = "Adds additional functionality to the Views Slideshow module. NOTE: This module has been deprecated, use views_slideshow_xtra_overlay instead" core = "7.x" package =…
views_slideshow_xtra.module views_slideshow_xtra.module This module creates a Views Slideshow widget for overlaying HTML elements on a slideshow. theme/ Views Slideshow Xtra theming functions.
views_slideshow_xtra_example.css views_slideshow_xtra_example/css/views_slideshow_xtra_example.css /** * Views Slideshow Xtra Example CSS. */ #views-slideshow-xtra-overlay--views-slideshow-xtra-example-attachment-1 { z-index: 51; } #views-slideshow-xtra-overlay--views-slideshow-xtra-example--attachment-1 .views-slideshow-xtra-overlay-row… views_slideshow_xtra_example/ name = Views Slideshow Xtra Example description = Create a Views Slideshow Xtra example content type and slide nodes. package = Views core = 7.x dependencies[] = views_slideshow_xtra_overlay dependencies[] = image dependencies[] = devel dependencies[]…
views_slideshow_xtra_example.install views_slideshow_xtra_example/views_slideshow_xtra_example.install Install file for Views Slideshow Xtra Example module.
views_slideshow_xtra_example.module views_slideshow_xtra_example/views_slideshow_xtra_example.module This module creates a Views Slideshow Xtra content type and example slide nodes.
views_slideshow_xtra_overlay.css views_slideshow_xtra_overlay/css/views_slideshow_xtra_overlay.css /** * Views Slideshow Xtra CSS. */ .views_slideshow_main { position: relative; } .views-slideshow-xtra-overlay { z-index: 50; position: absolute; top: 0; } .views-slideshow-xtra-overlay-row { display: absolute; min-height: 10px; } views_slideshow_xtra_overlay/ name = Views Slideshow Xtra Overlay description = Provides a View style and views slideshow option that displays an overlay over the slideshow. core = 7.x package = Views dependencies[] = views_slideshow stylesheets[all][] =…
views_slideshow_xtra_overlay.module views_slideshow_xtra_overlay/views_slideshow_xtra_overlay.module views_slideshow_xtra_overlay/theme/ The theme system, which controls the output of the overlays. views_slideshow_xtra_overlay/ Defines the View Style Plugins for Views Slideshow Xtra Overlay module. views_slideshow_xtra_overlay/ Contains the list style plugin.

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