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README.txt in Views Slideshow Xtra 8.4

Views Slideshow Xtra

Project site:



What Is Views Slideshow Xtra?

The Views Slideshow Xtra module is a placeholder module that includes a set of
sub-modules that provide additional functionality for the Views Slideshow module. 
The Views Slideshow Xtra module is not intended to be enabled directly, rather the 
sub-modules in the /views_slideshow_xtra/modules directory should be enabled as


1. Views Slideshow Examples: When enabled the Views Slideshow Example module
creates a slide content type, slidesshow taxonomy vocabulary, slideshow view,
and example slide content.  The module serves as a "Starter Kit", in that enabling
the module creates working slideshows, which can be used as a starting point
for your slideshows. 

2. Views Slideshow Overlay: Provides overlay support for the Views Slideshow module.
This is accomplished by adding an additional display to a Views Slideshow view, 
which has a special plug-in that renders content placed in specific fields in the slide
content type at specific coordinates (overlayed) on the slide.

For more information, see the README.txt file of the respective module.


View source
  1. Views Slideshow Xtra
  2. ====================
  3. Project site:
  4. Code:
  5. Issues:
  6. What Is Views Slideshow Xtra?
  7. -----------------------------
  8. The Views Slideshow Xtra module is a placeholder module that includes a set of
  9. sub-modules that provide additional functionality for the Views Slideshow module.
  10. The Views Slideshow Xtra module is not intended to be enabled directly, rather the
  11. sub-modules in the /views_slideshow_xtra/modules directory should be enabled as
  12. required.
  13. Sub-modules
  14. -----------
  15. 1. Views Slideshow Examples: When enabled the Views Slideshow Example module
  16. creates a slide content type, slidesshow taxonomy vocabulary, slideshow view,
  17. and example slide content. The module serves as a "Starter Kit", in that enabling
  18. the module creates working slideshows, which can be used as a starting point
  19. for your slideshows.
  20. 2. Views Slideshow Overlay: Provides overlay support for the Views Slideshow module.
  21. This is accomplished by adding an additional display to a Views Slideshow view,
  22. which has a special plug-in that renders content placed in specific fields in the slide
  23. content type at specific coordinates (overlayed) on the slide.
  24. For more information, see the README.txt file of the respective module.