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README.txt in Views Slideshow 6

 Views Slideshow

Author: Aaron Winborn
Development Began 2007-07-18
Port to Drupal 6 on 2008-09-30

Requires: Views 2

This module will create a View type of 'Slideshow' that will display nodes in a jquery slideshow. Depending on the mode,
slideshows may either be displayed in a single element, or in a single element with thumbnails/teasers in another.
Settings are available for fade, timing, mode, and more.

Questions can be directed to winborn at advomatic dot com


View source
  1. /****************/
  2. Views Slideshow
  3. /****************/
  4. Author: Aaron Winborn
  5. Development Began 2007-07-18
  6. Port to Drupal 6 on 2008-09-30
  7. Requires: Views 2
  8. This module will create a View type of 'Slideshow' that will display nodes in a jquery slideshow. Depending on the mode,
  9. slideshows may either be displayed in a single element, or in a single element with thumbnails/teasers in another.
  10. Settings are available for fade, timing, mode, and more.
  11. Questions can be directed to winborn at advomatic dot com