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Files in Views Showcase 6

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File namesort descending Location Namespace Description
left.css skins/left.css .views-showcase { background-color: #000; width: 520px; height: 200px; padding: 10px !important; } .views-showcase .views-showcase-big-panel ul { list-style-image:none; margin:0; padding:0; height: 200px; } .views-showcase…
README-pt-br.txt README-pt-br.txt Descrição =========== Esse módulo foi criado para suprir a necessidade de uma vitrine bonita, funcional e fácil de ser usada no Drupal. Esse módulo é, de certa forma, um substituto para o Front Page Slideshow. A maior vantagem desse módulo…
README.txt README.txt Description =========== This module has been created to fulfill the needs of a good looking, function and easy to use swhocase for Drupal This module is, in some way, a replacement for the Front Page Slideshow module. The biggetst advantages above FPS…
right.css skins/right.css .views-showcase { background-color: #000; width: 520px; height: 200px; padding: 10px !important; } .views-showcase .views-showcase-big-panel ul { list-style-image:none; margin:0; padding:0; height: 200px; } .views-showcase…
views-showcase-view-showcasefields.tpl.php views-showcase-view-showcasefields.tpl.php
views-showcase-view.tpl.php views-showcase-view.tpl.php name = Views Showcase description = Display a view like a showcase to highlight items. version = 6.x-0.1 core = 6.x package = Views dependencies[] = views
views_showcase.module views_showcase.module The implementation of Views Showcase module. Provide the views showcase plugin definition. Contains the base row style plugin. Provide the views showcase plugin object with default options and form.

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