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function views_send_send_from_spool in Views Send 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 \views_send_send_from_spool()
  2. 7 \views_send_send_from_spool()

Process the spool queue at cron run.

1 call to views_send_send_from_spool()
views_send_cron in ./views_send.module
Implements hook_cron().


./, line 16
Views Send cron rotuines.


function views_send_send_from_spool() {
  $limit = \Drupal::config('views_send.settings')
  $ok = $fail = $check = 0;

  // Reset a Drupal timer.

  // Retrieve messages to be send.
  $query = "SELECT * FROM {views_send_spool} WHERE status = :status ORDER BY tentatives ASC, timestamp ASC";
  $result = $limit ? \Drupal::database()
    ->queryRange($query, 0, $limit, array(
    ':status' => 0,
  )) : \Drupal::database()
    ->query($query, array(
    ':status' => 0,
  foreach ($result as $message) {

    // Send the message.
    $status = views_send_deliver($message);
    if ($status) {

      // Update the spool status.
        ->query("UPDATE {views_send_spool} SET status = :status WHERE eid = :eid", array(
        ':status' => 1,
        ':eid' => $message->eid,
      if (\Drupal::config('views_send.settings')
        ->get('debug')) {
          ->notice(t('Message sent to %mail.', array(
          '%mail' => $message->to_mail,
      $event = new MailSentEvent($message);
      $event_dispatcher = \Drupal::service('event_dispatcher');
        ->dispatch(MailSentEvent::EVENT_NAME, $event);
    else {

      // Increment tentatives so that next time this message
      // will be scheduled with low priority.
        ->query("UPDATE {views_send_spool} SET tentatives = tentatives + 1 WHERE eid = :eid", array(
        ':eid' => $message->eid,

    // Check the elapsed time and break if we've spent more than 80%.
    // We check every 50 messages.
    if (++$check >= 50) {

      // Reset the counter.
      $check = 0;

      // Break if exceded.
      if (Timer::read('views_send') / 1000 > 0.8 * ini_get('max_execution_time')) {
          ->notice(t('PHP maximum execution time almost exceeded. Remaining e-mail messages will be sent during the next cron run. If this warning occurs regularly you should reduce the cron throttle setting.'));
  if ($ok + $fail > 0) {

    // Log results and exit.
      ->notice(t('%ok messages sent in %sec seconds, %fail failed sending.', array(
      '%ok' => $ok,
      '%sec' => Timer::read('views_send') / 1000,
      '%fail' => $fail,