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function views_rss_views_plugins in Views RSS 6.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 views/ \views_rss_views_plugins()
  2. 7.2 views/ \views_rss_views_plugins()
  3. 7 views/ \views_rss_views_plugins()

Implementation of hook_views_style_plugins(). Adds view types to views UI interface.


views/, line 12
Views plugins, handlers and hooks definition for Views RSS module.


function views_rss_views_plugins() {
  return array(
    'style' => array(
      'rss_fields' => array(
        'type' => 'feed',
        'title' => t('RSS Feed - Fields'),
        'help' => t('Outputs a RSS formatted feed'),
        'handler' => 'views_rss_plugin_style_fields',
        'path' => VIEWS_RSS_PATH . '/views',
        'theme' => 'views_view_views_rss',
        'theme file' => '',
        'theme path' => VIEWS_RSS_PATH . '/theme',
        'uses row plugin' => FALSE,
        'uses fields' => TRUE,
        'uses options' => TRUE,
        'uses grouping' => FALSE,
        'help topic' => 'style-rss-fields',