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Classes, traits, and interfaces in Views PDF 8

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Namesort descending Type Namespace Location Description Direct uses Use statements Strings
Fields class src/Plugin/views/row/Fields.php This class contains all the functionality of the field PDF style.
Page class Drupal\views_pdf\Plugin\views\display src/Plugin/views/display/Page.php This class contains all the functionality of the PDF display.
PageBreak class src/Plugin/views/style/PageBreak.php Class that holds the functionality for the page break in a PDF display.
PageNumber class src/Plugin/views/style/PageNumber.php Class that holds the functionality for the page number in a PDF display.
Table class Drupal\tardis\Plugin\views\style src/Plugin/views/style/Table.php Style plugin to render each item as a row in a table.
ThreeColumn class src/Plugin/views/style/ThreeColumn.php This class holds all the funtionality used for the Three Column style plugin.
Unformatted class Drupal\views_pdf\Plugin\views\style src/Plugin/views/style/Unformatted.php This class holds all the funtionality used for the unformatted style plugin.
Utility trait Drupal\views_pdf\Share src/Share/Utility.php 1
ViewsPdfBase class Drupal\views_pdf src/ViewsPdfBase.php The main class to generate the PDF. 1
ViewsPdfDisplayInterface interface Drupal\views_pdf src/ViewsPdfDisplayInterface.php
ViewsPdfDisplayTests class Drupal\views_pdf\Tests\Display tests/src/Display/ViewsPdfDisplayTest.php
views_append_handler_append_view class modules/views_append/ This class contains all the functionality to append a view to another one.
views_view_field_handler_include_view class modules/views_view_field/ This class contains the functionality to add a view as a new field in another view.

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