function views_node_access_views_plugins in Views node access 7
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 6 \views_node_access_views_plugins()
Implements hook_views_plugins().
- ./, line 11 - Declaration of views node access types.
function views_node_access_views_plugins() {
$plugins = array(
'access' => array(
'node_types' => array(
'title' => t('Node type'),
'help' => t('Access will be granted to specified node types.'),
'handler' => 'views_node_access_plugin_access_node_type',
'help topic' => 'access-node-type',
'uses options' => TRUE,
'base' => array(
'node_types_perm' => array(
'title' => t('Node type and permission'),
'help' => t('Access will be granted to specified node types and permissions.'),
'handler' => 'views_node_access_plugin_access_node_type_perm',
'help topic' => 'access-node-type-perm',
'uses options' => TRUE,
'base' => array(
'node_types_role' => array(
'title' => t('Node type and role'),
'help' => t('Access will be granted to specified node types and roles.'),
'handler' => 'views_node_access_plugin_access_node_type_role',
'help topic' => 'access-node-type-role',
'uses options' => TRUE,
'base' => array(
'node_types_current_user' => array(
'title' => t('Node type and current user'),
'help' => t('Access will be granted to specified node types and the current user.'),
'handler' => 'views_node_access_plugin_access_node_type_current_user',
'help topic' => 'access-node-type-current-user',
'uses options' => TRUE,
'base' => array(
'current_user' => array(
'title' => t('Current user'),
'help' => t('Access will be granted to current user.'),
'handler' => 'views_node_access_plugin_access_current_user',
'help topic' => 'access-current-user',
'uses options' => FALSE,
'base' => array(
return $plugins;