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Functions in Views Gantt 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
hook_views_gantt_tasks_prerender_alter ./views_gantt.api.php Alter an array of tasks provided by Gantt view before other modifications.
views_gantt_build_xml ./views_gantt.module Builds XML file for dhtmlxGantt Chart. 1
views_gantt_enable ./views_gantt.install Implements hook_enable().
views_gantt_get_style_options ./views_gantt.module Get style plugin options. 1
views_gantt_libraries_info ./views_gantt.module Implements hook_libraries_info().
views_gantt_load_xml ./views_gantt.module Returns XML file for dhtmlxGantt Chart. 1
views_gantt_menu ./views_gantt.module Implements hook_menu().
views_gantt_normalize_date_field ./views_gantt.module Formats date for Gantt Chart. 4
views_gantt_requirements ./views_gantt.install Implements hook_requirements().
views_gantt_update_node ./views_gantt.module Updates node if there are changes in it's fields. 1
views_gantt_update_tasks ./views_gantt.module Callback for task/project update when we change it in Gantt chart. 1
views_gantt_views_api ./views_gantt.module Implements hook_views_api().
views_gantt_views_plugins ./ Implements hook_views_plugins().
_views_gantt_build_tasks ./views_gantt.module Adds tasks to XML. 1
_views_gantt_prepare_tasks ./views_gantt.module Modifies tasks array. Subtasks go to 'childtasks' item of parent task array. 1
_views_gantt_task_path ./views_gantt.module Helper for _views_gantt_prepare_tasks(). 1

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